Case 02
Marty Michener
29 July 2018 ·
How can medicine be so medically incompetent?
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Marty Michener
Marty Michener Background introduction to my blog page on toxic elements.
Poison or Medicine?
According to Wade Davis, the Kofán word for medicine and poison are the same. He goes on to explain in his epic book on the Amazon, One River this is because they believe healing is accomplished by killing off an evil spirit in the patient which is causing the disease.
In our own culture’s twisted logic, many popular medical procedures have been shown over time to be categorically unsafe at all levels, despite doctors having been taught to apply them widely. In fact, today’s physicians are often only advised by the sales representative technicians for the procedure, motivated by high product acceptance. Thus, doctors recite to their patients only the favorable facts, leaving out the side-effects they may not know about. This the news media would have us believe is “science-based medicine.”
The potential science has long been available, called risk analysis, to logically proceed. It is essentially the same for any proposed change, whether an environmental assessment for a new road or a medical license for an analgesic pharmaceutical. A risk/benefit study is performed for the “do-nothing” case, with each possible outcome being assigned a probability range. Then a comparative study for the “Do procedure” case is performed, and all four results are made public. While the National Environmental Policy Act 1970 mandates such a comparison be made public, the drug and health industries have so weakened these ethical principles as to leave the public blind. So no real risk analysis has been done for hundreds of procedures, starting with the clinical proving trials. Doctors have only so much time to research independent studies, and direct financial rewards from procedure or drug companies are far more common that the public expects.
Human health has fallen almost completely into the grasp of a for-profit medical industry (widely called allopathic medicine), with medical schooling being more and more controlled by the pharmaceutical profiteers rather than scientists teaching doctors the science of well-functioning humans.
In medicine, respect for natural healing (with little or no interventions) has also been systematically eroded. Long proven medical traditions of using remedies made from herbs (botanicals) have suffered unfair competition under the profiteering hands of weakened government approval services, recently turned marketers for giant tax-evading off-shore corporations.
The failure of patients to adequately metabolize “born in a beaker” drugs has increasingly permitted chemicals to pass into septic and sewer systems, emerging from “approved treatment plants”, into the ground and surface waters, impacting the physiology of fish and the aquatic food chains. The profit aspect of exclusive patents, unavailable for traditional natural infusions and tinctures, is so rampant that now we see frustrated patients throwing out their lists of dozens of expensive prescription drugs and switching to naturopathic and holistic doctor’s care, simply because it actually means real CARE for health. The very criterion for a chemical or process to qualify to become exclusively patented is that it must be new, not in the general knowledge of the trade. This criterion mostly coincides with its being of such source and composition it may be unsuited for entry into any balanced ecological systems.
Patented medicines with almost exclusive approval of the corrupt US Government (FDA and CDC) are being recently independently researched and often found to be little more than scams, made official by avoiding real trial tests by a system of bribery. Too late, serious adverse reactions and death are found now to outweigh the exaggerated benefits, based on biased clinical trials (e.g. for statins, vaccines, tylenol, and some of the below-listed toxic elements).
Treatments now include a panoply of symptom-relieving drugs, which never address or cure the patient’s imbalanced condition. Belated test interventions with serious adverse outcomes are revealed in the news daily (e.g. colonoscopy, mammogram). Protocols for determining the indication for surgery, when independently investigated are often found to be heavily weighted for the highly profitable surgeon, rather than supporting non-invasive rebalancing of the body ecology coupled with a more rapid healing of the underlying condition. I recently have listened to three persons’ instances of knee-surgery gone bad (e.g. uncontrollable infections, supports become infested with biofilms, the short life of failing prosthetic devices) and four others where boron supplements have been reported to me to have reduced joint pain and disuse with no other intervention. What a contrast in expense! Surgery costing prolonged treatment and unbearable expenses versus rapid response and a trivial cost for borax.
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Marcella Estes
Marcella Estes Nice Marty. It's a good read. I concur. My femur transplant had issues of which you spoke. A burden on any patient with no alternative besides surgery. Thanks for inviting me to your blog.
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Marcella Estes
Marcella Estes I sent out feelers to thousands for your blog. I read the intros & background infos. Happy trails buddy. 😊
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Clara Sexton
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Marty Michener
Marty Michener
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Elemental Impacts
Elemental Impacts
Elemental Impacts
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Richard Sexton
Richard Sexton Surgeons are not, they're brilliant and get better each year. In the 1960s life expectancy for a heart transplant patient was dys.
Now we can swap two lungs, heart and liver in one go and you'll live a long and normal life.
However the patent medicine industry made 0 progress in 80 years and when they did it was for antibiotics which don't work any more. So it was 100 years wasted really.
That's ok, modes research just seems to keep popping up molecular biology explanations for why 5000 year old traditional Chinese Medicine and 7000 year old Ayurvedic medicine. It's sort of funny really, or would be if so many people wern't dying of corrupted US pharmacological complete and utter incompetence, still the 3rd leading cause of death in the US.
That's how.
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Lynne Myhre
Lynne Myhre Organ transplants are more successful not because of surgical skill, but because of immunosuppressive drugs, intense treatment of subsequent infections, and the use of organs taken from living people. That last part was only made legally possible by the introduction of the legal fiction called "brain death."
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Marty Michener
Marty Michener Surgeons increased competence has been practically superceded by death by MRSA and biofilms. A huge (unspecified) percentage of hospital surgery visits now result in protracted healing, haunted by nosocomial infections.
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Elizabeth Murphy
Elizabeth Murphy I'm now against organ donation 100%. I heard horror stories about organ harvesting that I semi-scoffed at, but after I experienced it firsthand in the hospital with my cousin I now stand firmly against it.
Do not let you or your loved ones be an organ donor.
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Michelle Angelides
Michelle Angelides Elizabeth, I understand that there are despicable people harvesting organs via trafficking, but if I’m in an accident and will never recover, why wouldn’t I want to help save someone’s life if they can use my liver, kidneys, heart etc. My brother-in-law was saved by a kidney transplant. His was a live and willing donor: his own brother. Why would you be against legitimate organ transplantation?
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Elizabeth Murphy
Elizabeth Murphy Michelle - because you will still be alive, you will feel it being done. There is no such thing as brain death. Begin to research this and you will find countless stories of people who were declared "brain dead" who could hear the doctors coercing their families to take them off life support and allow them to have their organs harvested.
The person who is being harvested is first given an injection that paralyzes them, but they are given no anesthetic. Many stories of nurses seeing the "brain dead" person being ripped apart with tears streaming from their eyes.
If your loved one is an organ donor they will tell you that "comfort care" is needed in order for them to not feel pain as they slip away once life support is turned off. This is morphine, a sedative, it reduces the chance that the person in the coma and on life support will be able to wake up and/or breathe on their own. REFUSE IT ALWAYS.
My cousin was declared "brain dead" by the neurologists yet he moved his feet on command. Turned his head on command, turned his face away from cologne, turned heard toward phone a girl he had a crush at was on, and responded to pain in all four limbs.
The organ vultures lied to us and said upon arrival he consented for organ donation (he was unconscious) then that they had his license and the box was checked (we had his unchecked license) then finally that he'd registered online. Another lie.
Organ harvesting is a big moneymaker. Your loved one can bring in 100k in revenue. Fucking disgusting.
You've been warned. Uncheck the box. Tell others. It could save a life.
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Elizabeth Murphy
Elizabeth Murphy More info here.
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Elizabeth Murphy
Elizabeth Murphy
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A father’s desperate – but dangerous – strategy to keep his ‘brain dead’ son on life support
A father’s desperate – but dangerous – strategy to keep his…
A father’s desperate – but dangerous – strategy to keep his ‘brain dead’ son on life support
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Elizabeth Murphy
Elizabeth Murphy
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Richard Sexton
Richard Sexton Marty Michener Sure, but sergeruis mechanics. That gets better all the time as tools advance and these took a quantum leap.
Industrial pharmacology OTOH, and by the numbers, keeps taking tiny steps backwards and kills more people than anything except heart or cancer in the us.
And if they weren't so arrogantly and stubbornly incompetent, those two disease would return to the preindustrial levels. So really the're responsible for the first three leading causes of death. I think I checked once and it's actually the first four, but I didn't make note of the details there.
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Marty Michener
Marty Michener Richard Sexton I am aware of many mechanical advances; e.g. Intuitive Surgical's DaVinci system for just one procedure: radical prostatectomy. Whereas three friends recently had the procedure without DaVinci, all could barely walk for a month or two. A reported example on the news had a DaVinci procedure and ran a half marathon a week later. Then there is this:
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Michelle Angelides
Michelle Angelides Elizabeth thanks for that (horrifying!) info. I had no idea.
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Marty Michener
Marty Michener Elizabeth: I too am informed, and my thanks for all your heart-breaking research. No matter how many people have experiences each of which may demonstrate the utmost integrity regarding organ transfers, if there is one clear case of systematic yield to greed that is too many. Paralytic indeed!!! Racketeering again!!
The WAPO case of Mr. Pickering defending his son's right to recover by threatening the hospital staff with his nine-millimeter -- brings tears to the eyes. That his showing such extraordinary and profound care is needed to bring us into the horror of this calculated decision making, demonstrates how deeply we are accustomed to regarding doctors as gods.
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Clara Sexton
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Nancy White
Nancy White In a word>>> $
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Sharon Lynn
Sharon Lynn By design
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Thomas Fairburn
Thomas Fairburn No profit in the cure. American Society has been gamed by Monopoly interests using strong-arm tactics. Every trick in the book to hijack the Republic. Don't fall for Cancer Incorporated and the Medical Mafia. Restore Scientific Credibility.
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Randall Lee Gibson IV
Randall Lee Gibson IV Because the American health care industry is wholly owned by the pharmaceutical/insurance/regulatory cabal
The regulators are taking bribes from the people they supposedly oversee
Medicine in the US is designed to keep to sick for as long as you have money …See more
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David O'Keefe
David O'Keefe There's a reason medicine is called a 'practice'.