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Han TC Yesilbursa shared a link.
19 August 2018
A new video on the Devil's hole pupfish

How tech is keeping endangered desert fish alive
Scientists use technology to save a dying fish species in the hottest place on Earth. The deep,…

Richard Sexton Actually "tech" is the greatest threat to them so far by the numbers.
In November 2005, divers counted just 84 individuals in the Devils Hole population, the same as the spring population, despite observations of egg-laying and baby fish during the summer. As many as 80 fish – one-third of the population – was estimated to have been destroyed during the summer of 2004 when a flash flood pushed a quantity of scientific equipment (fish traps) which had been left sitting on the edge of the hole into the hole;[29] later, about 60 cubic feet (1.7 m3) of debris, washed into the cave by floods, was removed.
In 2007, between 38 and 42 fish were left in Devils Hole.[30] 1

Han TC Yesilbursa Mistakes have been made. I don't think they were ill intended. When there is a backup population outside natural habitat, one must admit that they aren't necessarily trying to keep them going as long as possible but observe and get a paper or two out of it for research. Can we call them devils hole pupfish, if they restocked the water reservoir? I don't think so.

Harry Bishop Wasn't there a population of a Pupfish species destroyed by a 'scientist' because the natural habitat was destroyed - and he flushed the captive population down the toilet!

Richard Sexton > I don't think they were ill intended.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The problem is, when you "help" and they are in decline the entire time you're helping you would sort of think even government employees would begin to figure this out after enough years but didn't. Never ascribe to malice that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.
Killi people have sampled thatr hole a few tries in the last few decades nuder the radar. That's why we know they won't reproduce outside of that hole, they turn in toe different fish, This was well understood since the 1970s.
So, it was sort of painful to watch them try anyway foe nearly 40 years, the entire time being told: your only hope is to dig another hole, this won't work in a fishtank in a casino in vegas. Remember, amateurs figured out what would not work, professions did this:
Rare Devils Hole Pupfish Moved to Hatchery - Washington Post
May 20, 2006 - LAS VEGAS -- Biologists have moved some of the few remaining endangered Devils Hole pupfish from their secluded desert ... moved to a Las Vegas Strip casino aquarium and a federal fish hatchery on the Colorado River.
Endangered pupfish population sinks in latest count at Devils Hole ... › Local › Local Nevada
Apr 16, 2018 - Divers at Devils Hole found fewer endangered pupfish than expected ... concern, but not panic (Patrick Connolly/Las Vegas Review-Journal).
As researchers fret, Devil's Hole pupfish just keep swimming – Las ... › Local › Local Nevada
Apr 17, 2016 - The population of the endangered Devil's Hole pupfish appears to be rebounding, ... cavern the species calls home 90 miles west of Las Vegas.
One Fish, Two Fish, Win Fish, Lose Fish | Outside Online
Dec 5, 2006 - It's fourth and long with no time on the clock for the endangered Devils Hole pupfish. Fortunately, one Las Vegas mega-casino likes the odds.
Casino Attempting to Save Endangered Pupfish |
Aug 3, 2006 - ... most endangered species by breeding them in, of all places, a Las Vegas casino. ... The tiny Devil's Hole Pupfish lives it's whole life there. 1

Han TC Yesilbursa I never knew a casino was involved in this. This is just mind-boggling.