Michele Neylon
18 October 2019 �
DNS abuse hurts the internet and we're proud to come together with some of the biggest companies in the internet space to take a clear stance against it
Blacknight, GoDaddy, PIR, Tucows, Nominet, Neustar, Donuts, Afilias & Amazon Take Stand on Domain Abuse
We are big fans of the internet as a whole. Of course as a business you'd kind of expect us to be, but that interest extends beyond business and into our daily lives. When I first went online in the mid 90s the internet was a lot smaller. It was
47Barry Shein and 46 others
John Curran
All of this with regard to takedowns as a mitigation rather than investigation and criminal prosecution, correct?
(I don't see anything about the latter, so while clear guidelines are indeed an improvement, the framework is basically about conducting more efficient DNS whack-a-mole operations...)
Michele Neylon
Richard Sexton
May I remind you you're the ones that shut peoples websites off unless they pay you. That's a new concept to the net and many people consider that to be abuse.
Richard Sexton
Remember when Wikileaks published the leak about the Julius Baer offshore tax evasion issue that got people into legal trouble?
The US attorney general was able ot get Wikileaks domain shut off for a few days.
By mistake. One can argue the system corrected itself but it should never have happened and only did happen because of corruption and the single point of failure in the ICANN architecture.
No photo description available.
Bj鴕n-Erik Ludvigsen
This is, I hope, good news. We should hook up more formally. We can provide you daily with some very, very bad domains that needs removing fast and that fit nicely with your number one on the list.
Michele Neylon
Bj鴕n-Erik Ludvigsen check your messages
John Horton
Nice. I wasn抰 immediately able to tell � is the opioids portion of your blog a shared policy or Blacknight only? Of course we are well aware of your policy and GoDaddy抯 etc on that and very supportive of it � wasn抰 sure if that portion is shared with PIR for example.
Michele Neylon
John Horton the opioids is shared - it抯 in the document
Brian Beckham
Michele Neylon so... while I personally applaud this in some ways, having had the opioid crisis crash into my world, seems a strange limiting line in the sand to draw, no?
Michele Neylon
Brian Beckham not sure I understand what you are saying. Happy to discuss offline
Graeme Bunton
Couldn't include Tucows in that list, Michele?
Michele Neylon
Fixed that - sorry
Volker Greimann
Lots of us not included.
Jeffrey Eckhaus
Ben Affleck and Matt Damon - Family Guy
Volker Greimann
Jeffrey Eckhaus We would have helped had we known this work was ongoing. But apparently this was developed in secret by the cabal 😉
Graeme Bunton
We'll get ya in there.
Chris Pelling
Graeme Bunton add NEO as well please if it is still open for additions to sign on. 🙂