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Case 01
Case 01

Richard Sexton 24 August 2018 · cfr Erin Brockovich, Marty Michener See the problem? Glycine is one of the 23 vital amino acids we need to make things like DNA and Proteins from. Would you carr o guess sath happens when DNA is built from the one on the right when it thinks its getting the one o hr left? Organophosphates came out of the German war effort. The US took all that technology after WWII. Hitler never used them, he was too afraid to. Monsanto wasn't.
xs lg
‎Clara Sexton‎ to Toronto Health and Wellness Meetup 24 August 2018 There's a molecule called glycine. It's one of the 23 amino acids your body needs. Glyphosate is a glycine molecule with a side chain of organophosphate, a big killer the Germans found in 1880 and that Hitler refined into the G series gasses of WWII. Hitler never used it. Instead we modified it a little bit and call it Round Up. Now, it works in bugs because when they take in a molecule of glycine and make proteins out of it, they die. When that happens to us, things go badly in many ways. We've identified pathways for two so far for cancer and ALS. 1Neal R. Foster 20 comments 2 shares Like Comment Share Comments Tom Barr Tom Barr Stupid idiots believe this crap. Don't be one of them. Hide or report this LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 39w Richard Sexton Richard Sexton Uh Tom? Are you telling me: 1) It doesn't get into cord blood? 2) These glycine substitution errors do not happen? Marty does a better job of explaining the substitution errors. Marty Michener - could you show tom the cancer and als papers please. Tom do you think I make this stuff up? I'm telling you what other people have written. Blanket condemnation of things you haven't read is not rational, buddy. Hide or report this Glyphosate and Paraquat in Maternal and Fetal Serums in Thai Women. - PubMed - NCBI NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOV Glyphosate and Paraquat in Maternal and Fetal Serums in Thai Women. -… Glyphosate and Paraquat in Maternal and Fetal Serums in Thai Women. - PubMed - NCBI LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 39w Tom Barr Tom Barr "CONCLUSIONS: These results show that pregnant women who work in agriculture or live in families that work in agriculture have higher exposures to the herbicides glyphosate and paraquat. The potential for long-term health impacts of these prenatal exposures to children should be evaluated, and greater regulation of the sale and use of herbicides should be considered in Thailand." Said zip about health impacts. They have zero regulations for these herbicides in SE Asia. If you spray the stuff by hnad or have zero regulations, then you will certainly get the chemical into your system, whether it turns into an organophosphate and acts like a VF nerve gas..........well.........I think that's totally full of shit. A small modification can really alter a chemicals toxicity. Naw, this stupid shits use Hilter reductum. Exmaple, Chlorine vs chloride. You can eat one and need it(within a wide range and reason), the other will kill you. Hide or report this LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 39w Tom Barr Tom Barr Hide or report this LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 39w Tom Barr Tom Barr This paper suggest the ag workers, and the feed etc are too high, but suggests the adjuvants are amplifying the passage into the cells. See the last bit on line 2 of the conclusion. Hide or report this LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 39w Tom Barr Tom Barr Recent: Hide or report this Glyphosate toxicity and carcinogenicity: a review of the scientific basis of the European Union assessment and its differences with IARC LINK.SPRINGER.COM Glyphosate toxicity and carcinogenicity: a review of the scientific basis of the… Glyphosate toxicity and carcinogenicity: a review of the scientific basis of the European Union assessment and its differences with IARC LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 39w Richard Sexton Richard Sexton You say much my friend. Bu there's roundup in foetal cord blood. You don't get to say that can't happen, it happened. I saw it happen. It's well documented. There is no argument here. As to the glycine substitution that causes cancer and ALS too, unless you can falsify their hypothesis, which is well founded, it doesn't matter that you think it can't happen, it's already been shown it can and did. Why are you showing me corporate propaganda instead of shedding light on what's actually happening here. Yes I understand the parent company has reports that show t's not a problem. You think they're right do you? How come the court disagrees upin viewing evidnce you've never seen? This is a measure of the voracity of your evidence. Ioannidis JPA (2005) Why Most Published Research Findings Are False. PLoS Med 2(8): e124. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0020124 What is medicine's 5 sigma? - Richard Hortonemail - DOI: Pharmaceutical companies write their own "clinical reports", then bribe doctors to put their names on them. Such "ghostwriting" is not uncommon at all. Lacasse JR, Leo J (2010) Ghostwriting at Elite Academic Medical Centers in the United States. PLoS Med 7(2): e1000230. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1000230 Please see the studies that show what happened to radioisotope tagged roundup, Toim, it substitutes for Glycine and terrible things happen when you make proteins out of Roundup you should was glycine. When you find Stef's papers on Cancer and ALS, you're done. What do you think convinced the judge? If you have a chat with Marty Michener he can explain the implications of aquatic weeds to you .,there's some serious ones there. Marty, Tom is an aquatic botanist and one of the best but doesn't know much human biochemistry and thinks Roundup is safe. Can I show him that note you sent me about BMAA and CJD or woul dyourather explain it here? Regards to all. Hide or report this Why Most Published Research Findings Are False JOURNALS.PLOS.ORG Why Most Published Research Findings Are False Why Most Published Research Findings Are False LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 39w Richard Sexton Richard Sexton Tom, Marty, I hadn't seen this yet, it's the evidence shown at trial. If it's been vetted by the court it's good enough for a judge and good enough for you unless of course you can falsify these intenrao Monsanto documents and emails. "The jury, in San Francisco, saw evidence in the form of internal emails showing that (1) Monsanto was told by Dr. James Parry, who was working under contract to review the evidence of carcinogenicity of glyphosate, that the evidence that glyphosate was capable of causing cancer was credible. Specifically, Parry reported that he found the evidence that glyphosate was clastogenic credible. (A clastogen is a substance capable and breaking up and re-arranging chromosomes, something one should never see as “safe”). Parry wrote: “My overall view is that if the reported genotoxicity of glyphosate and glyphosate formulations can be shown to be due to the production of oxidative damage then a case could be made that any genetic damage would be thesholded…it may be necessary to consider the possibility of susceptible groups within the human population.” In one email, Monsanto toxicologist Donna Farmer wrote: “Dr. Parry concluded on his evaluation of the four articles that glyphosate is capable of producing genotoxicity both in vivo and in vitro by a mechanism based upon the production of oxidative damage” but nevertheless Farmer held that “You cannot say that Roundup is not a carcinogen…” (2) When Dr. Parry made this conclusion and suggested studies that would allow Monsanto to determine whether their product would produce cancer, Farmer wrote that “further studies should be sent to him in order to move Dr. Parry from his position.” (3) Rather than do the science that Dr. Parry suggested, others at Monsanto communicated that they should stop working with Parry and find another scientist who would be willing to help them get the question of genotoxicity under control: (William Heydens):”We want to find/develop someone who is comfortable with the genetox profile of glyphosate/Roundup and who can be influential with regulators and Scientific Outreach operations when genetox issues arise. My read is that Parry is not currently such a person, and it would take quite some time and $$$/studies to get him there. We simply aren’t going to do the studies Parry suggests.“" Hide or report this Dewayne Johnson vs. Monsanto on Glyphosate and Cancer: What the Jury Saw JAMESLYONSWEILER.COM Dewayne Johnson vs. Monsanto on Glyphosate and Cancer: What the Jury… Dewayne Johnson vs. Monsanto on Glyphosate and Cancer: What the Jury Saw LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 39w Marty Michener Marty Michener You could always just refer to my summary*. It does not contain updates from the draft confidential paper by Dr. Seneff I sent you by chat attachment on August 20 entitled "Genetically Modified Children". * Hide or report this Avoiding Glyphosate MARTINCMICHENER.WORDPRESS.COM Avoiding Glyphosate Avoiding Glyphosate 1 LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 39w Marty Michener Marty Michener This review from three years ago. Hide or report this The Microbiota Crisis: How the Herbicide Glyphosate is Killing Microbiomes HEALTHIMPACTNEWS.COM The Microbiota Crisis: How the Herbicide Glyphosate is Killing Microbiomes The Microbiota Crisis: How the Herbicide Glyphosate is Killing Microbiomes LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 39w Richard Sexton Richard Sexton "The Samsel-Seneff report [1] predicts the process behind all these findings: glyphosate blocks the production of healthy amino acids (tryptophan, phenylalanine) by our native microbiome, and instead produces strong oxidant irritant chemicals (m-cresol). It also blocks the Cytochrome P450 detoxifying enzyme production in the liver, by which the inflammation could have been abated." Which P450 Enzyme? There's many. Cyp17 and Cyp1B1 are the ones implicated via gene P53 for cancer. Downregulate those and you'd be at far greater risk. It downregulates Tryptophan and Phenylalanine? Good heavens no wonder there's a 60% rate of depression in the US. Hide or report this Like · Reply · 38w Richard Sexton Richard Sexton Also, from wiki "Tryptophan (symbol Trp or W)[2] is an α-amino acid that is used in the biosynthesis of proteins. It contains an α-amino group, an α-carboxylic acid group, and a side chain indole, making it a non-polar aromatic amino acid. It is essential in humans, meaning the body cannot synthesize it: it must be obtained from the diet. Tryptophan is also a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin and the hormone melatonin.[3] It is encoded by the codon UGG." Marty how can it be "encoded by the UGG codon" isn't that a frame replacement codon? The UGG codon is how Ebola sequesters Selenium (Taylor 1995) Hide or report this Like · Reply · 38w Richard Sexton Richard Sexton Hide or report this Effects of dietary tryptophan and phenylalanine–tyrosine depletion on phasic alertness in healthy adults – A pilot study NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOV Effects of dietary tryptophan and phenylalanine–tyrosine depletion… Effects of dietary tryptophan and phenylalanine–tyrosine depletion on phasic alertness in healthy adults – A pilot study Like · Reply · 38w Marty Michener Marty Michener Richard Sexton Tyrosin is direct precursor for dopamine. I have friends with "anger" problems and others with "bipolar" or "manic only" and they report to me personally that they chose to take a couple of grams of tryptophan several times a day, it stops the problems. OH! Right: In it's infinite wisdon, the FDA has banned sales of tryptophan. Why? In the original dispute over GMO dangers, one of three manufactures (Showa Denko) who were all getting it from GMO bacterial synthesis (no worker's comp for bacteria, some say their rep could be more articulate!) the Showa Denko GMO produced a substance, never fully identified, that was SO toxic, even though it was below the FDA limits it gave people EMS and still killed people. Their timing of the ban coincided with the public raving about Prozac. So, instead of setting a precedent - - - that GMO's needed to be watched closely (becasue they hadn't!!), - - the FDA simply banned the sale of one of the body's own natural amino acids. Banned it. Logic anyone? So now you must buy the supplement 5-hydroxy-methyl tryptophan . . which does the same thing but lets the FDA categorically think that GMO are Generally Recognized as Hide or report this Like · Reply · 38w · Edited Marty Michener Marty Michener The gory conflict-of-interest story is told here: Hide or report this CERI: Dean Manders Tryptophan Article from Social Policy CERI.COM CERI: Dean Manders Tryptophan Article from Social Policy CERI: Dean Manders Tryptophan Article from Social Policy Like · Reply · 38w Clara Sexton Write a reply... Richard Sexton Richard Sexton Tom Barr - Which part don't you believe? 1) Roundup is substituted for glycine 2) Roundup instead of glycine being found where glycine should be is injurious ot human health Before we explain how this causes disease, can we at least it this far Tom? You've heard an explanation for how it happens, if you think a bunch of mestizo syringes saud something that made this not true, not really. If yo're so convinced there are people that can prove Roundup safe, bring them here. I see no argument to rebut anything here form you just "these guys from industry say industry is safe". That won't wash hewre. They have no actual argument. It's about molecules, Tom. And we're talking about Glycine here, the one Roundup emulates. That's how it works fffs Tom, other things take it in as glycine then the plant breaks. Plants aren't the only things that use glycine. So, which of those two facts are giving you problems above, Tom this isn't hard to understand when you have all the data, which is not something you can accuse the people in those industry reports of having! And honestly, you really can't articulate the argument and have to post a link and say "here, the truth is in here, i can't say what it is, but these guys are smart". It doesn't work that way. Hide or report this Like · Reply · 39w Marty Michener Marty Michener In this recent WAPF article, Dr. Seneff makes clear various manifestations of protein manufacturing errors where glyphosate is incorporated instead of the glycine as genetically coded. Hide or report this Glyphosate in Collagen - The Weston A. Price Foundation WESTONAPRICE.ORG Glyphosate in Collagen - The Weston A. Price Foundation Glyphosate in Collagen - The Weston A. Price Foundation 1 LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 38w Richard Sexton Richard Sexton Please have a serious look at this Tom Barr. "We gotta get these things right" - NASA. Hide or report this LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 38w Marty Michener Marty Michener Suppose you gave orally to pregnant rats a dose of Glyphosate-Based Herbicide, lower than the "safe level" provided by EPA. You continued the rats' exposure into the nursing phase of the baby rats. You then tracked those babies to adulthood and tracked the next (F2) generation babies. What would you expect to find? Well these folks did and published the results. The F2 babies had statistically significant genetic mutations and developmental abnormalities. Not the F1, but the F2. Hide or report this Perinatal exposure to a glyphosate-based herbicide impairs female reproductive outcomes and induces second-generation adverse effects in Wistar rats. GREENMEDINFO.COM Perinatal exposure to a glyphosate-based herbicide impairs female reproductive… Perinatal exposure to a glyphosate-based herbicide impairs female reproductive outcomes and induces second-generation adverse effects in Wistar rats. LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 38w · Edited Marty Michener Marty Michener To me the most convincing finding is: You buy hog connective tissue you know was in life fed glyphosate-rich GMO crops (Pigs don't vote for labelling!) You test it for Glyphosate - none in it. You digest it as with trypsin and pepsin would in a human gut, you test it again: Voila! Glyphosate. Where was it hiding?