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Case 01
Case 01

Kevin Kirkpatrick shared a link. Admin · 26 July 2018 · tagAdd topics Hello to all! I got an email from U of Bridgeport that my official student status has been changed from 'active' to 'graduate.' I will have my diploma by the end of August and will pursue the Certified Clinical Nutritionist designation shortly. So big news there in my life! I wanted to discuss niacin today. Does taking niacin, niacinamide, or nicotinamide riboside make you tired, moody, or low energy? One of the things about b3 in high doses is that it must be methylated by SAMe to be excreted by the body. You have probably heard of methyl groups and SAMe, the main methyl donor for many different bodily functions, include DNA activation, creatine formation, choline formation and neurotransmitter function. Taking b3 in any form will raise serotonin, thus boosting mood in some people, but in other with poorly functioning methylation systems, IE, due to genetic SNP's in MTFHR or BHMT or PEMT genes, or due to a diet low in betaine, folate and choline (ie, standard American diet of processed foods, few vegetables and fewer still organ meats) than taking niacin may be straining an already taxed methylation pathway. However, you may be getting many other benefits from high dose niacin, such as depression or anxiety relief, blood lipid control, or better energy. For some folks that overmethylate, using Niacin to reduce methyl groups is a potent strategy to deal with serious mental or physical illness. This is rarer, however, most of us are in the middle when it comes to methylation, or trending toward undermethylation. The solution to support methylation with Niacin use is two-fold: 1. Better manage your diet to include folate (leafy greens and liver), choline (liver and eggs and lecithin) and betaine (spinach, quinoa, bran) and avoid processed foods which also strain the methylation pathway by placing a detox burden on the liver. 2. take betaine as a supplement (TMG). Betaine is a potent methyl donor via the BHMT pathway. The study I have attached shows a direct reduction in blood serum betaine due to niacin or niacinamide. (more so with niacinamide) Taking TMG will add the missing methyl groups back. TMG is a tasteless powder that can be added to any liquid. I drop a 1/4 teaspoon into my water and don't even know it's there. Chris Masterjohn suggests a 1:1 ratio of TMG to niacin supplementation. I think that may work for some, or be too much for others. Trust your body and how it feels, and take TMG until you feel balanced and energetic. I hope this post helps you get the most out of your b3 supplement regimen. All the best! NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOV Comparison of the effects of nicotinic acid and nicotinamide degradation on plasma betaine and choline levels. - PubMed - NCBI Clin Nutr. 2017 Aug;36(4):1136-1142. doi:…

Richard Sexton The paper says "CONCLUSION: The degradation of nicotinamide consumes more betaine than that of nicotinic acid at identical doses." and is one data point. I think you need to explain the rest as this paper does not say all that.

Kevin Kirkpatrick I included the paper as evidence that b3 will reduce betaine. The conclusion ia that taking betaine is a good idea in this situation as one solution.
Richard Sexton One paper? Who quoted it? Who was able to reproduce it?
Kevin Kirkpatrick Why are you being hostile Richard? This is Facebook post not a scientific journal.
Kevin Kirkpatrick If you would like to do a comprehensive pubmed search on b3 supplementation and betaine reduction, or find evidence that refutes this, then by all means be my guest.