Richard Sexton
17 May 2018 ·
We need to reinvent killer bandwidth to expedite plug-and-play e-tailers to target distributed networks and iterate best-of-breed networks so we can scale holistic platforms on matrix 24/7 platforms.
4Ken Thornton, Neal R. Foster and 2 others
Richard Sexton
This is text from a 15 year old bullshit generator web page.
Think about that next time somebody says "AI". When they say that they really are saying "software I don't understand". > web > web economy bullshit generator
Chris Kantarjiev
I can tell, because there is no mention of machine learning or neural nets.
Richard Sexton
Yeah that timeframe saw the end of neural net bullshit already but it was well before the machine learning bullshit, it's from a while ago.
Stephen Pushak
You too can be a member of AI Philosophy. 😉
Simon Higgs
We will syndicate strategic web services and repurpose next-generation eyeballs to monetize frictionless experiences by seizing e-business e-commerce and cultivating mission-critical e-services that will reintermediate magnetic functionalities and cultivate holistic deliverables.
David Bedno
I was about to read that a second time to see if it was actually saying anything, before I read your comment.
Richard Sexton
you could do an entire magazine out of this.
and call it "wired"
James Root