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Cloudberry | Aqpiit | Aqpik ᐊᖅᐱᒃ
Cloudberry | Aqpiit | Aqpik ᐊᖅᐱᒃ

Scientific name: Rubus chamaemorus, Rubus spectabilis
Inuktitut name: Aqpiit, Aqpik

Cloudberry is a perennial. Like willow plants, cloudberry has male and female plants. They usually grow between 6 and 20 centimetres high. Cloudberry has an extensive creeping and branching system of slender woody rhizomes covered with brownish papery bark.

In Scandinavia, cloudberries are used to make a liqueur. They are also blended with large quantities of whipped cream to make a delicious dessert.
In Alaska, people make a mixture of seal oil and chewed caribou tallow, and beat this until it is like whipped cream. They then add cloudberries to make "Eskimo ice cream."

There are many medicinal uses for cloudberry. The Dogrib would boil the flowers to make tea and put it on sore eyes. They would also put chewed berries on wounds and sores. The Inuit had many names for this plant and its parts. Before they had berries, the plants were called aqpiqutit, while in the spring, before the berries turned red, they were called aqpiksait. During the summer they were simply called aqpiit. Aqpinnaquitit, aqpiqutit, and nakait are the words for the stems and leaves.
Cloudberries, raw (Alaska Native) [baked apple berry, salmonberry, yellowberry] per 100 grams

The good: This food is a very good source of Vitamin C.
Glycemic Load:0
Protein 2.4g
Vitamin A 210 IU
Vitamin C 158mg
Calcium 18.0mg
Iron 0.7mg
Phosphorus 35.0mg
source (data incomplete)

Salmonberries, raw (Alaska Native) [akpiks] per 100 grams

The good: This food is low in Sodium. It is also a good source of Dietary Fiber and Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol), and a very good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and Manganese.
Glycemic Load:3
Protein 0.9 g
Total Carbohydrate 10.1 g
Dietary Fiber 1.9 g
Starch 0.0g
Sugars 3.7 g
Total Fat 0.3 g

Vitamin A 496 IU
Vitamin C 9.2 mg
Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol)1.6 mg
Vitamin K 14.8 mcg
Thiamin 0.0 mg
Riboflavin 0.1 mg
Niacin 0.5 mg
Vitamin B6 0.1 mg
Folate 17.0 mcg
Pantothenic Acid 0.2 mg

Calcium 13.0 mg
Iron 0.4 mg
Magnesium 15.0 mg
Phosphorus 27.0 mg
Potassium 110 mg
Sodium 14.0 mg
Zinc 0.3 mg
Copper 0.0 mg
Manganese 1.1 mg
source (data incomplete)

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