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Imugaq | Misartaq | Dandelions
Imugaq | Misartaq | Dandelions

Scientific name: Taraxacum

all parts of plant are edible raw.
young leaves or those growing where there is less/no sunlight are the least bitter.
older leaves are best when boiled in 2 changes of water and/or with midveins removed.
roots are best when collected in spring/autumn, peeled, sliced and cooked in 2 changes of water with pinch of baking soda.
roots can be roasted as coffee substitute.
unopened flower buds can be eaten raw or used in cooking.
seeds with the parachute removed can be eaten or ground into flower.
a serving of dandelion greens contains the same amount of calcium as half a cup of milk.
is a good source of potassium, vitamin A, and vitamin C.
grows in a wide range of terrain, look for dandelion in disturbed/cultivated soil areas.

There are at least four species of native dandelions in Nunavut. Only one is officially recognized as being in Iqaluit, but the authors have seen plants growing side by side that look as though they may be separate species. source

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