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Mountain Avens ᒪᓕᒃᑳᑦ
Mountain Avens ᒪᓕᒃᑳᑦ

Dryas octopetala
Family: Rose family - Rosaceae
Height: 5-10 cm Higher in the fruit stage.
Flower: Regular, large. Cherry blades eight or more, white to creamy, broad, rounded. Flowers are eightfold, hairy and glandular.
Fruit leaves free, many, long and long-haired. Numerous pollen carriers. Flowers single-sided on long stems at the top of the shoots.
Leaves: Winter green, in a bowl on top of (short) stalk. Stems relatively long, brown, longhaired. Leaf sheet leathery, elliptical to lance-shaped with toothed, rolled edges. The top dark green and underside are dense short-haired and white.
Fruit: Flower bottom with several aches with a long hairy beak.
Adult place: Fjellheier, rock shelves, sometimes in the forest forest. Usually in calcareous soil.
Flowering period: July-August.

The members of the genus Dryas are evergreen bushy plants that occur in the northern areas and mountain ranges of the northern hemisphere. Reinrose n is a typical plant with large flowers , which occurs on bare mountain heaths. It grows in dense carpets close to the ground, often along with the diapensia lapponica and the rhinoceros ( Salix reticulata ).
In favorable, calcareous locations, a single person's carpet can cover up to several square feet. Such an individual may be over a hundred years old. The shoots do not produce roots. Instead, the whole plant is dependent on the powerful plumage that may penetrate incredibly deep into the soil.
Reinrose n has been used to study the evolution of ice age, as it has found thousands of years old remains of the plant in the soil. The so-called Dryas period has been named after this species.
Distribution map (Kasviatlas, University of Helsinki)

Mountain Avens is an artic-alpine plant which is found growing at sea level in the Burren region. In 1996 I went to Finland and looked forward to seeing it in its artic locations. I was 60 miles south of the artic circle and asked the guide if he could find it for me. His reply was that we were much too far south! In Europe it is found in artic areas and on mountain tops. Here is grows happily at sea level beside flowers which like warmer locations.

This was the first flower for which I learned the proper scientific name. Easy to remember....just think of a baby's nappy. Dryas.

The national flower of iceland.-M. Slatterly

Scientific name: Dryas integrifolia Inuktitut name: Malikkaat (Pangnirtung), isuqtannguat (Kingait), isurramuat

Mountain avens were used to determine the season, particularly in the summer, in midsummer towards autumn—these plants were used to determine time. When they are coiled tight, it means that this is mid-summer. As soon as they start to uncoil, this is the time towards autumn. So now, these plants are not coiled tight. These plants were used to determine time that was to come.
Mannik, this is when the birds start to lay eggs. The next is called saggaruut—this is when the hairs on the caribou had moulted and been replaced with a thin hair. The next is known as akkulliruut, which is the time the plant called malikkaat (mountain avens) starts to uncoil.

Photo:The spikes of Mountain Aven fruit.
The season when this plant starts to uncoil is called akkulliruut.
#01 The fruit/seeds of the Mountain aven.
#02 fruit of the mountain aven plant

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