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Mashu Root
Mashu Root

Scientific Name: Hedysarum alpinum

The root is eaten raw, either peeled or unpeeled. It is dipped in seal oil or eaten plain.
#01 Mashu in Carole's hand. The bark of the root is peeled away and the mashu is the white part.

Mashu roots, raw (Alaska Native) per 100 grams

Protein g 5.80 Total lipid (fat) g 2.40 Carbohydrate, by difference g 22.60 Minerals Phosphorus, P mg 67 Vitamins Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid mg 11.0 Thiamin mg 0.100 Riboflavin mg 0.070 Niacin mg 1.300 Vitamin A, IU IU 16

xs lg
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