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Miqqaviat | Long-stalked Starwort | Chickweed
Miqqaviat | Long-stalked Starwort | Chickweed

Scientific name: Stellaria longipes

This species is very successful in disturbed habitats, especially where there is or has been much human activity. It is very common at Thule sites and around communities. This circumpolar species can look very different in different environments. As a result, it has had several Latin names. It has been agreed that the plant is very diverse, but it is only one species.

Salt-marsh Starwort
Scientific name: Stellaria humifusa
Inuktitut name: Siuraup nunaranga

These plants grow mostly by the seashore, in marshes or wet meadows. The flowers of this plant have three styles. This is important when you are trying to distinguish between some of the small white flowers belonging to the same family, so look carefully. source

Stellaria media
young leaves are edible raw.
leaves are safer and better tasting after cooking.
leaves contain vitamins A and C.
cooked leaves have a taste similar to spinach.
seeds are edible.
grows in lawns and disturbed areas at low and montane regions.
identification tip: stem has a single line of fine hairs running between each stem node.
warning: eating excessive amounts can cause diarrhea and/or vomiting.
warning: plant is not suitable for pregnant women. source

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