The Role of Vitamin C in the Management of Viral Diseases – Victor Marcial-Vega, MD
It was a pleasure being here and I come
from Puerto Rico and I thank Ron hunten
gig and also Thomas Libby because they
given us tremendous support to help the
movement in the island of Puerto Rico
and support to me and to the physicians
there so and of course they love coming
to Puerto Rico Hooton right so they come
twice already and that's wonderful keep
coming down.
That's a wonderful Island
and we welcome you and I will be talking
today about something that I never
imagined I would be doing in my practice.
I'm a until what time do I have?
10:15. Okay. Thank you.
As a radiation
oncologist I never imagined that I would
be doing what I'm doing today because I
was taught to give radiation
chemotherapy and surgery to treat
cancers then I started hearing about
chelation therapy ozone 25 years ago and
the concept that toxicity was causing
cancer and I'm making the link now
between that and treating viruses with
vitamin C and removing these toxins in
the 90s showed in many of my patients
that the tumors would reduced or
disappear so I didn't expect this I did
a protocol at that time back in the late
90s with intravenous vitamin C chelation
therapy ozone therapy detoxification
organic food all these things that I
heard that would make a difference to
see if I would embark in into this new
era of philosophy and and of course the
most important thing is to get rid of
your stress sometimes we will be
throwing a spouse out the window but not
as radical but you know what I mean and
sometimes you will be getting rid of a
job and what we found in 40 patients in
90s with stage-four most of them cancer
was that we had an 80% response rate
doing this protocol every day every day
is not practical sometimes it's not
economical it can be expensive but
that's what we saw and 13% winning a
complete remission so that we didn't
expect either and today one of those
patients that we still follow has been
almost 20 years with no lymphoma
he had a Stage four lymphoma and AIDS at
the same time as you know Stage four
lymphoma and AIDS has a very poor
prognosis at that time in the 90s none
of these patients survived so a patient
is alive and well and is because of all
of these things that we're seeing here
what I wasn't expecting was that not
only did cancer respond but I saw
patients over the years that with the
same protocol started reversing their
arthritis high blood pressure diabetes
schizophrenia depression anxiety
cataracts glaucoma and the list goes on
and on and that's when I started seeing
the connection between the viral
illnesses and content of vitamin C I'm
not so sure the vitamin C is an anti
viral per se I think that just that
bombardment of electrons are we been
hearing about all through the weekend
and the week makes the body getting to a
balance where we start living together
with all these microbes and viruses and
nobody harms anybody but rather assists
each other into having a better
environment being healthier etc
digesting our food and things that can
help us instead of killing us because
when the energy goes down in the body
that's the signal for these microbes to
recycle us for compost we're we're also
needed for that and when somebody asked
me what's the most important animal in
the planet I said of course this is a
tree I say are you crazy
yeah the tree so advanced they don't
have to move we we have to move and talk
and we can't stop but we're moving
around so we can compost different trees
we can carry the compost
to them they don't have to move so
that's the most advanced animal in the
planet and of course the planet can live
without us but not without the trees
they have to produce oxygen and there
are the ones that recycle all this so
when our energy goes down and it goes
back up that's when we see all these
wonderful things that we're seeing in
medicine right now I want to mention too
that I'm a professor at the UCC School
of Medicine they recently approved in
the beginning of the summer an
integrative medicine program that he's
approved by the School of Medicine so
now actually the applause goes to you
because many of you have been helping
and assisting in this process and the
students are fourth year medical
students are coming from other
institutions and now we're just a step
away from first and second year
residence there's one from Harvard that
contacted me and thanga that harver
apparently pays for the residents salary
so we don't have to worry about that so
if you have any ideas of interns and
residents that want to rotate with me
you let me know because this is what
we're doing unfortunately doctors are
are as young as as young as me are a
little bit older are in general very
hard to change in their mindset so we're
getting them as young as we can also
they this doesn't necessarily have
anything to do with a lecture but in
general I encourage my fellow colleagues
to speak in a certain language that they
don't get into trouble because I gotten
into trouble before I used to I found
that nebulized colloidal silver can
eliminate respiratory infections
sinusitis and other things and that was
a something I put in my website that I
recommend the colloidal silver as a
preventive measure for anthrax if you
remember anthrax in the 90s the big
scare so when I said that that could be
used for that I got a letter from the
FDA two weeks later
they say you cannot say that you're you
recommend silver to prevent disease
because then it will be a drug and then
you'll get into all this mess and I said
oh no problem so what I did I they
encouraged me to delete the page so I
didn't the leader what I do there was I
recommend you use colloidal silver
because there may or may not prevent
lung infections and that was it I never
heard from them again
so be careful when you say cure if you
don't say I cure I prevent I treat or
mitigate you're not under your a FDA
jurisdiction. Just you're aware that also
the I don't know if you heard of the
president's cancer panel report this is
one of the best things that Obama has
done or has been allowed to do is a it's
a more accurate statement the when he
was elected president one of the first
things he did it he's not here is he
told the National Cancer Institute the
National Institutes of Health and the
Department of Health and Human Services
write me a report I don't care how much
money costs that says what is the cause
of cancer in the United States and by in
less than one year there was a report
signed by these three institutions that
said mr. president what causes cancer in
the u.s. they didn't say 80 percent 90
percent they say more they said more
than two-thirds and perhaps even more
are caused by pollution of the air
pollution of the water and pollution of
the food and x-ray machines in hospitals
they never mentioned genetics except to
say that genetically transmitted cancer
like ataxia telangiectasia sera derma
you know these conditions multiple
endocrine neoplasia accounted for less
than five percent of the cancer so now
the institutions are on line with what
we're saying here that these pollutants
are causing disease not only cancer but
everything else that we're seeing either
the cause or a contributing factor so
removing them not only from our bodies
but from our environment that's my dream
to have a completely clean planet that's
what I think about 24 hours a day that's
why I'm not invited to many parties
because especially doctors parties so as
we know Frederic Lerner has been a
pioneer of vitamin C from the 20s 30s he
was treating managing since--since I'm
not treating I'm not the FDA I can say
he was treating he was curing so that's
9:25another important distinction he he was
9:29one of the first doctors to realize a
9:30vitamin C could manage viral diseases
9:36successfully and he was able to cure
9:39many differing infectious diseases and
9:42neutralize toxins by the way I'm giving
9:45credit to Thomas levy because thanks to
9:47him I got a lot of the references I'm
9:49presenting today he did he did most of
9:52the work so I have to thank you he came
9:55to Puerto Rico three years ago to our
9:58integrated medicine conference sponsored
10:00by the College of Physicians 250
10:02physicians came he lectured on the use
10:05of vitamin C for viral diseases so a lot
10:07of these references and the work we've
10:10done together was inspired by that
10:11lecture vitamin C has been proven to
10:16kill or inactivate all viruses in vitro
10:19so this is a first of all we're gonna
10:21talk about the in vitro findings and
10:24examples are poliovirus by joggin blood
10:27completely inactivated the polio virus
10:29rendering complete rendering it's
10:31completely non infectious even when
10:34injected directly into the brains of
10:36monkeys this is very interesting herpes
10:38virus the in vitro action of synthetic
10:41crystalline vitamin C our own herpes
10:43virus and further experiments have shown
10:46these on herpes also in vitro activity
10:49when tested against vaccine iya viruses
10:52tobacco mosaic virus and in vitro
10:55activity against bacteria Fache viruses
10:58enter viruses and influenza virus which
11:02we're gonna talk about in the clinical
11:04setting in a little
11:05as well as rabies so this has been shown
11:09to happen in vitro when we go into the
11:15clinical setting he has also been shown
11:17to resolve a lot of acute viral
11:20illnesses such as polio Klenner showed
11:23that of 60 kids that he hadn't he
11:26published his data in 1949 he cured all
11:30these kids with intramuscular vitamin C
11:33given within four days including a case
11:36of many encephalitis flaccid paralysis
11:40reversal of this so today I haven't seen
11:45any of these cases but guillain-barre a
11:47will be very interesting to manage and I
11:49think that a lot of the guillain-barre
11:51ezza were told are out there are really
11:53polio virus or polio like viruses so
11:57we're changing the nomenclature of polio
12:01meningoencephalitis flaccid paralysis
12:03and now we're calling a guillain-barre a
12:06I think is the same entity so we have to
12:08be very careful and all viruses had the
12:10potential to cause the same thing that
12:12polio virus did so we think that only
12:15polio can cause neuropathy or neural
12:18damage not so any other virus can can
12:22cause this so be very aware of that
12:24because that's another opportunity to
12:26use vitamin C and of course the reversal
12:30of flaccid paralysis and Cleaners
12:34experience with polio he gave this
12:35patients orally as well as
12:39various levels of vitamin C that we've
12:41seen here from fifty to fifty thousand
12:43to 80 thousand milligrams given at
12:46various times over a 10-day period so I
12:48encourage you to read these papers
12:50because Klenner papers are relevant
12:53today if you read them they're the best
12:56scientific treatise that you can see
12:59from a scientist it's amazing how he
13:00writes clearly scientifically so it's
13:04not messing around with him and these
13:06papers some of them are 80 years old and
13:08they're an incredible an incredible read
13:14so I recommend them any of them
13:18in another clinical setting vitamin C
13:22has been shown to be effective against
13:24acute hepatitis Dalton gave daily
13:28injections of vitamin C and had a
13:30resolution of acute hepatitis as well as
13:33Cathcart so these are the different
13:39doses that you might see again I I'm not
13:42getting very much into the doses here
13:44but because we've seen the dosages
13:46throughout this conference dosage
13:49dosages can vary but they're usually the
13:52same that we've seen here from 20,000
13:55milligrams to a sixty thousand
13:58milligrams and I'll show you how many
14:01times for the different viruses that we
14:04may see and frequency and all that I
14:07will be discussing in a while but I
14:09wanted to show you the references that
14:11show that this is already being
14:14performed for many decades in addition
14:18vitamin C has been shown to manage
14:23successfully viral encephalitis Klenner
14:27has seen this with patients I have polio
and in my practice we saw a patient with
influenza with meningoencephalitis that
was close to a coma was stuporous
non-responsive not oriented a very young
gal 28 years old that resolved after one
infusion one 6-hour infusion of vitamin
C gave her a total of 50,000 milligrams
I added hydrogen peroxide and I'll
explain that to you as well and
hydration and this completely resolved
the same day that she presented to our
clinic other examples of acute viral
infections that respond to vitamin C are
measles simple and complicated mumps
simple and complicated herpes infection
influenza and rabies
and of course is also just a mention
that is also being shown to be effective
against bacteria so this could be a
lecture for for a future presentation
but it has been shown to be effective
for diphtheria tetanus Staphylococcus
streptococcus Pseudomonas and all have
been documented as cured in these papers
that have been talking about these
entities with ascorbic acid and of
course vitamin C I'm not sure what the
mechanism is but he is often
bactericidal almost always
bacteriostatic and always supportive of
the immune system and of course in
patients with chronically low levels of
vitamin C this definitely will help
other system fight the infection and
other diseases such as malaria leprosy
dysentery Trypanosoma so the point is
that it's very advisable to have vitamin
C handy in the clinic especially when
you're seeing infections that are either
acute chronic either in adults or
children because they can this can
enhance whatever other therapeutic
approach you're taking in that patient
and of course the list goes on and on
and we've been hearing about it as
vitamin C as an antidote so a lot of
what these infections produce are also
part of their toxicity on their body
such as toxins and these can be
neutralized such as heavy metals Venom's
from not only animals but also plants
alcohol and barbiturates in Puerto Rico
we have a lot of metal leaf he's calling
Spanish or tiga for the Puerto Ricans
that are in the room and nettle leaf I
personally had a I go a lot into the
rainforest for leisure and I didn't know
what nettle leaf was until at one time
it I touch one of these plants and
immediately you feel severe pain and
burning in a scale from zero to ten the
pain is close
2-8 so it is very very uncomfortable and
after this happening to me several times
17:43I used vitamin C one time and it within
17:46an hour to the pain went away and the
17:49inflammation subsided so whenever you
17:52have you have a first aid kit at I would
17:56add vitamin C to it either in the office
17:58or at your home and of course what I
18:02mentioned about the clearing of polio
18:04and sixty children within four days of
18:06administration by dr. Klenner
18:08is just repeating that so to recap the
18:12it has been shown to have an effect
18:14against influenza dengue fever hepatitis
18:17A B and C epstein-barr measles moms
18:20herpes and these are the doses that we
18:26recommend to our patients in general an
18:30adult and this is very interesting
18:34dosing because we found that if we're
18:37not able to give intravenous vitamin C I
18:39tell my patients to take vitamin C every
18:42half hour by mouth so it used to be well
18:46every hour now we tend to tell them
18:49immediately after an infections such as
18:51let me give you a few examples not only
18:54the common cold influenza that have been
18:57documented but also sore throat sniffles
19:01cough and a very commonly seen in
19:04polluted cities cities chronic sinusitis
19:08chronic sinusitis has become an epidemic
19:11so in Puerto Rico I tell the patients
19:15take five hundred to a thousand
19:18milligrams every half-hour for the first
19:20four hours then I tell them if they
19:24don't have any discomfort usually they
19:26don't a vitamin C such as live on or
19:30bioenergy which we've seen in reordan
19:33Center yesterday they're excellent and
19:35usually they will not cause stomach
19:37problems I give my patients routinely of
19:41the bioenergy C four thousand milligrams
19:43three times a day or more and they're
19:46usually have no problems whatsoever
19:49taking a vitamin C from the pharmacy
19:51which might be also considered high
19:53quality so I tell them to do this every
19:56half hour usually within 4 hours
19:5950% of the symptoms have subsided about
20:0250% I mean some of them have disappeared
20:06especially with the chronic sinusitis a
20:08cough that is starting a sore throat
20:10that is starting once the fever starts I
20:14recommend intravenous vitamin C that
20:17symptom may not respond as well as the
20:21initial very initial respiratory
20:24symptoms of the diseases related to the
20:27influenza Kove irises so then I tell the
20:32patient to take one gram every two to
20:35three hours sometimes four for two hours
20:40and then I lower the dose but in general
20:43as a baseline for a thousand milligrams
20:45three times a day taken in three doses
20:48will not help the patient with cold
20:51symptoms the way that they every half
20:54hour dosing will so remember that when
20:57there's an acute illness frequency is
20:59more important than total dosage keeping
21:02those levels of vitamin C in the blood
21:04for as long as possible and as frequent
21:07as possible for children two years or
21:11older 200 milligrams every half hour to
21:14every hour for four hours again for
21:17respiratory acute respiratory symptom
21:20ethology and then you can lower that
21:23clinically as you see fit children that
21:25are six years or older 500 milligrams
21:28every half hour to every hour for the
21:32first four hours and then you can lower
21:34it as you see fit as you see a clinical
21:36response and these I found to be
21:39extremely effective if the patient and
21:42is usually a patient that calls me and
21:44they're not able to come into the clinic
21:46so sometimes they don't they may not
21:49have the vitamin C I would recommend
21:52even though most of my patients do so if
21:55they have to have if they have to go to
21:57the pharmacy to buy a vitamin C or a
22:00chewable that's better
22:03nothing and that'll work fine for that
22:05period of time of the acute illness in
22:07most cases we also we also give our
22:16patients that have not only cancer
22:19patients that get vitamin C but also
22:21patients that have viral illnesses we
22:24give hydrogen peroxide before the
22:26vitamin C to enhance the effect of
22:28vitamin C which is hydrogen peroxide
22:30product production related and I looked
22:35into the literature says intravenous
22:37hydrogen peroxide has been so popular in
22:40integrated medicine I look to see where
22:42in the literature that was evidence
22:44about this I only found one reference it
22:46was more 1920 and Oliver treated
22:50patients with influenza that had
22:54influenza related pneumonia which was
22:57considered at the time to have a
22:58mortality of 80% and he gave the
23:02spacious on 1.25% solution of hydrogen
23:05peroxide two ounces 10% added to 8
23:11ounces of normal saline that's a much
23:17more than we give today today we're here
23:20we use a 3 percent not a 3 percent
23:25solution of hydrogen peroxide and we
23:27take 3 cc's of that and put it in 100
23:30CC's of normal saline so it's much more
23:32diluted than this and he had a reduction
23:37in mortality in those patients from a
23:39historical 80% to 48% so reduce
23:42mortality from influenza related
23:46pneumonia by half and this is the only
23:49paper that we found at the time because
23:51we have another paper that will present
23:53next about the treatment of chikungunya
23:55using hydrogen peroxide as well
23:58influenza unfortunately the the vaccine
24:02campaign has been a disaster in Puerto
24:05Rico and the United States you can go to
24:06the website of CDC and the data is there
24:09in Puerto Rico in 2009 when the swine
24:11flu appear we didn't have a vaccine so
24:15the only strategy that apart
24:16of health hat was a an incredible
24:20campaign it was a great campaign of
24:22washing your hands covering your mouth
24:25with a mask if you were coughing getting
24:28away from people or you would have to
24:30get away from people that were coughing
24:32and this strategy reduced the incidence
24:37prevalence and mortality of influenza to
24:40near zero the strategy was started in
24:44the summer of 2009
24:45then the vaccine came in in October from
24:48the National instances of health and the
24:51last figures from November in Puerto
24:54Rico it was amazing the the incidence of
24:57influenza went to near zero the
25:00mortality to near zero and the total
25:03number of cases at the time was less
25:06than 2000 since then we've had massive
25:12vaccination campaigns over 65 years old
25:16all ages influenza vaccine is still sold
25:20as the best strategy against him
25:22influenza by the Department of Health
25:25and also by the CDC unfortunately and
25:28then unfortunately the the figures are
25:31there the influenza incidence and
25:33mortality has been rising steadily in
25:36Puerto Rico since 2009 since the vaccine
25:38was introduced immediately I think after
25:41introduction in October in November all
25:44the incidences were nup they campaign
25:46for washing using gels avoiding people
25:50that were coughing ceased and then the
25:54last figures of this past season that
25:56ended just before the summer we have
26:00about 30,000 cases of influenza a year
26:03in Puerto Rico so from 2000 we went to
26:06close to 30,000 also the mortality has
26:10gone up so it's been a total failure but
26:12they still recommend it recently the
26:15dengue vaccine was offered to the Puerto
26:19Rican State Department and the State
26:21Department's the Department of Health
26:23said well we don't want the vaccine
26:25because it only provides protection in
26:2750% of the patients but that
26:30exactly the the highest amount of
26:34protection that the influenza vaccine
26:36offers in its best case scenario because
26:39in adults more than 65 years of age is
26:42totally worthless any children they've
26:46been able they being seen a lowering of
26:49the response antibody response to the
26:52influenza vaccine and this data is in
26:54the CDC I mean you can open the CDC and
26:57we'll find a lot of this there they
26:59found that in children the vaccine
27:01response has been going down as it's
27:03been as low as 15 percent for the
27:06influenza vaccine so what they did is
27:08they quadruple the antigenic load of the
27:11vaccine in the last few years
27:13instead of saying wait a minute I wonder
27:16why the immune response of the children
27:19is lower than before which by the way is
27:22a contraindication to vaccination
27:25immunosuppression is a contraindication
27:26to vaccination not upping the dose of
27:29antigen but rather finding out why is
27:31this Charlie minutes of press well we
27:33all know why we have more pollution than
27:35ever before in the history of humanity
27:37and other things that are affecting our
27:39system's ability to produce antibodies
27:42and other things so my patients asked me
27:46and I said the data is area I'd rather
27:49have you protected with things like this
27:50then do vaccinations but if you want to
27:54do vaccinations go prepared take vitamin
27:58C before getting vaccinated so you lower
28:01your chances of any side-effects if you
28:04want to get vaccinated I don't tell them
28:06what to do but I said if you want to get
28:08your child vaccinated also prepare them
28:11properly with vitamin C before that
28:14vaccination and it's in all likelihood
28:17they won't have the side effects that we
28:20are seeing from this from this modality
28:25in medicine
28:29so unfortunately Tamiflu is a joke
28:35unfortunately and I'm a scientist but
28:38I'm giving you the the short story
28:40Tamiflu has been reported
28:43Lord the length of disease by 24 hours
28:47so instead of being sick for three days
28:50you'll be sick for two days instead of
28:52being sick for five days that you were
28:53meant to be you're sick for four this is
28:56the average and these are the statistics
28:57however when you go to tummy flus
29:00website in the first page and by the way
29:04this happens also in the first page of
29:06the web sites for re-set and namenda
29:13which are the medicines for Alzheimer's
29:15and the excellent patches the same thing
29:19in the for websites first page this drug
29:23does not affect the natural history or
29:26course of the disease but that's exactly
29:28why I want to prescribe it to affect the
29:31natural course of the disease or if he's
29:32if he's not affecting the natural course
29:34of the disease
29:35why are you recommending it to my
29:37patients it's a joke you UK you can only
29:40laugh at these things now recently
29:43they've been removing from the namenda
29:45re-set and excellent websites that
29:48little clause but that clause i saw it
29:50as as late as two years ago recently I
29:53tried to find it again to put it up for
29:55this presentation and I didn't find it
29:57but they've been putting that for years
29:59these drugs do not affect the natural
30:01cause of the disease that's how
30:04statistics can be massaged shhhhht
30:08you know in many of the studies to then
30:10recommend them to patients but they
30:11really have no no clinical use for us or
30:14them but something that we will all
30:19agree on is that when you ask the CDC or
30:22Department of Health what is the
30:24treatment of any viral disease they say
30:25there's no treatment for viral diseases
30:27which is preposterous I mean this data
30:30that we've been seeing
30:31even if he's historical even if it's not
30:35hysterical historical even if it's
30:37something that has not been proven in a
30:40randomized double-blind study it doesn't
30:43matter the fact of the matter is that
30:45when there is no treatment available and
30:47you have something that historically has
30:49shown these results you're morally and
30:52ethically obligated as a physician or an
30:55entity that is
30:56dealing with health care to recommend
30:59this to the patients especially when
31:01there's no side effects it's cost
31:05effective and safe and effective and
31:11like dr. Saul was saying yesterday no
31:16effective treatment for viral illnesses
31:18or meningitis or meningoencephalitis
31:20associated with influenza in Puerto Rico
31:24we've managed about 57 patients we
31:28looked at the charts with influenza that
31:30were managed with intravenous vitamin C
31:32and hydrogen peroxide from 2009 to 2015
31:36they had the clinical diagnosis most of
31:38them because you remember 15 10 20 years
31:43ago influenza was not a big deal it has
31:46become a big deal because of the immuno
31:48suppression in the population and the
31:51complications associated with it this
31:53did not use to happen the ways happening
31:55today so now we're starting to confirm
31:59the cases by blood tests there were only
32:02two cases confirmed in this group of
32:04patients 60% had leukopenia most of them
32:08had congestion and cough ascorbic acid
32:10was given intravenously usually a 500cc
32:15bag of sterile water or lactated ringers
32:17solution 20,000 to 25,000 milligrams now
32:24influenza is one of the viruses that
32:26respond the best to intravenous vitamin
32:28C not so with others like chikungunya or
32:32herpes and we'll see that and we also
32:36added to this mix thiamine paradox and B
32:38complex once they see each and hydrogen
32:41peroxide three cc of three percent
32:43solution in 100cc normal saline methyl
32:46cobalamin magnesium chloride was often
32:50introduced as well the results in these
32:53patients that had IVs that range from
32:56two to four hour of infusion time 100%
33:00of the patients had a decrease of 50
33:01percent or more of their symptoms by the
33:03end of the infusion a 28 year old female
33:07with suspected meningoencephalitis was
33:09at under and disoriented to
33:10time-space after one week of a viral
33:13illness consisting of fevers chills
33:14malice coughing headaches had 50,000
33:17vitamin C intravenously by the end of
33:20the infusion was completely oriented I'm
33:22feeling well with no headaches malaise
33:23and eating well have you heard of
33:28chikungunya how many of you have a lot
33:31of chikungunya in your cities or States
33:33not many people is you - okay Ecuador
33:37all right I never forget that epidemic
33:40in Puerto Rico every healthcare facility
33:43private public was overwhelmed over that
33:46summer which was two years ago and I
33:50never seen anything like it we had to
33:53write records in three or four sentences
33:55to keep up with the people coming in and
33:57this happened in the emergency rooms for
33:59four that summer I mean all physicians
34:02were overwhelmed regardless of
34:04facilities or specialties because we
34:09have been doing vitamin C we were
34:11particularly overwhelmed but anyways at
34:14the time that this was written it was a
34:17disease where 1 million cases suspected
34:20in North America South America and the
34:21Caribbean less cases are were confirmed
34:25and in Puerto Rico at the time that I
34:30wrote this in July 2014
34:32there were 24,000 suspected cases but if
34:36you multiply that by that by 10 because
34:39you only diagnose about a 10th of what's
34:41really out there there were a quarter of
34:43a million cases at the time and this we
34:46calculated he may have gone up to
34:48750,000 cases in that summer now it was
34:53a very rare instance because most of
34:56these patients you would do the blood
34:58work it was completely normal
35:00there was no leukopenia the the only
35:04thing that you would see frequently will
35:06be in neutral psychosis so the
35:10leukocytosis will be in the neutrophilic
35:12area instead of lymphocytic so it didn't
35:15make much sense and this was was seen
35:18across the board the blood work was no
35:21he wasn't like a typical viral illness
35:24but chikungunya means that which bends
35:26over and it's quite a scary situation in
35:29many ways number one you would expect a
35:32viral illnesses to hit an elderly or
35:36very young population more than the
35:38public in general the the so called
35:40consider healthy adults not so this
35:44would affect everybody equally including
35:46I saw a lot of marathon runners
35:48high-performance athletes very very sick
35:51and number two it makes you feel the way
35:55you're gonna feel in twenty or thirty
35:57years in terms of your joints if you're
35:59not taking care of yourself so it's a
36:02it's a snapshot into the future and it
36:05was scary to most people imagine okay
36:08you're moving now everything's fine
36:10imagine how you would feel in 34 years
36:13and the worst of your times you know
36:14before we died and that's the way that
36:17these people felt southern pain and most
36:22people could not walk typically started
36:24in the wrists ankles and then he will go
36:27to any other part of the body but wrists
36:29and ankles was very common but what's so
36:31painful in the wrists and ankles that
36:33most people could not walk and most
36:36people could not pick up things with
36:39their hands so it's very interesting
36:41tremendously excruciating pain some of
36:44these patients will come to us after six
36:46to eight months of disease where the
36:49disease will wax and wane with steroids
36:52but it will not go away and typically
36:55these this disease can last in up to 35
37:00to 40 percent of the patients for years
37:03so again we have proof here that a lot
37:06of these Sokol arthritic illnesses
37:09rheumatoid fever is being documented
37:11that is associated with a microorganism
37:14but I believe that arthritis are
37:17associated to microorganisms all of them
37:20and they're managed in our clinic in the
37:22same way so chikungunya means that which
37:25bends up genus of the Alpha virus a
37:28single-stranded RNA the family toga very
37:31de spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito
37:34who is not at fault for this
37:37they say the mosquito causes the illness
37:39the mosquito doesn't cause anything the
37:40Puma the mosquito is trying to keep the
37:43population down so we stop polluting but
37:46so he's trying but if I tell that you
37:49know you see that's one I'm not invited
37:51to parties I told you this kind of
37:54comment also spreads the dengue
37:57hemorrhagic fever
37:58thrombocytopenia and now the Zika virus
38:00which we'll talk about it as well
38:02southern onset of joint pains in ninety
38:04three percent of the patients regime
38:06fevers lasts from a few days to weeks
38:09and that thirty three percent has gone
38:13up to forty eight percent where the
38:16arthritis can persist in these patients
38:20for up to four months to five years I
38:23didn't put the reference here but Thomas
38:27Levy and I co-authored a paper that the
38:31American Medical Association Journal in
38:33Puerto Rico published last years in
38:35PubMed so if you go to PubMed and look
38:37for ascorbic acid and chikungunya you'll
38:40see the whole paper I'll be happy to
38:42send it to you I have it in PDF so
38:44Thomas thank you for your help of course
38:46we treated 56 patients from July to
38:49November 2014 with chikungunya 18 to 82
38:52years old ratio of females to males with
38:55three to one
38:56so more females and males 75% of the
39:00patients received between 25 and 30
39:02grams of intravenous ascorbic acid and
39:06100% of them received before the
39:09ascorbic acid hydrogen peroxide
39:11intravenously and seven six five and
39:15three patients respectively received 30
39:18grams 20 grams 50 grams and 40 the
39:25formula was the following one hundred
39:27CCS normal saline 3 CC of a 3% hydrogen
39:30peroxide solution and 1000 micrograms of
39:33methyl cobalamin and 500 milligrams of
39:35magnesium chloride 500 CC sterile water
39:39or lactated ringers 25 50 grams of our
39:42score big acid B complex
39:45b1 and b6 one cc each I'm sorry
39:50we have the formula there 100 milligrams
39:52two milligrams riboflavin 100 milligrams
39:54Steinman which is b1 and 100 milligrams
39:59pure dachshund b6 infuse over 2 to 4
40:05hours including the the hydrogen
40:09peroxide of course patients must eat
40:11before and during the IV because of the
40:14hypoglycemic episode that we've seen by
40:16the way I practice in Florida for about
40:1915 17 years I had infusion centers there
40:24and we will give the same doses I never
40:27encounter hypoglycemia why is that well
40:30I think that Americans eat more than
40:32Puerto Ricans and that's the obesity
40:35rate we're eating all the time in the
40:37United States in Puerto Rico I started
40:39seeing hypoglycemia that's the first
40:41time I saw it and it's because when we
40:44ask people did you have breakfast today
40:45before yeah I had breakfast okay so when
40:48we asked him what breakfast was well I
40:51had a coffee and a little juice no
40:53that's not breakfast so historically and
40:56culturally we're not used to having
40:59those big breakfast so now we make
41:02patients sign a form I mean this is how
41:04problematic it was the hypoglycemia
41:07caused a lot of problems in our clinic
41:09when he started we have patients sign
41:13saying what they ate and bring in snacks
41:16during the IV they have to bring snacks
41:19so that's a that's a problem we have in
41:21Puerto Rico but we don't have it anymore
41:23we don't infuse if the blood pressure is
41:26above 150 over 95 we examine pain relief
41:31as the variable that then we assess and
41:34evaluate it so we used a numeric rating
41:36scale from zero to ten zero no pain ten
41:40the worst pain you've had in your life
41:41and we score the pain as follows we took
41:45all the sites and we did an average of
41:47all the size and that was the pain score
41:49so we did a pain score which was average
41:52of all the sides that hurt before and
41:54after the infusion that's how fast this
41:57can work we use a spss IBM 22 statistic
42:03package to see the relationship between
42:06the treatment and the pain score and
42:09that was plotted in a histogram and
42:11frequency tables I'll show you and we
42:14compare the parameters and use a p-value
42:17of 0.01 to determines significance
42:20instead of point zero five we upped it
42:23to point zero zero one that was a
42:27parameter of the 56 patients at the 25
42:32percentile of pain score lesser pain
42:34intensity pretreatment score of seven at
42:38the average and post treatment score was
42:40two so it went down from seven to two on
42:44the average on those lesser pain
42:47intensity patients for a 71% reduction
42:50of pain patients at the 75 percentile of
42:53pain score which are the ones that had
42:55the worst pain had a reduction of a
42:58score from eight to four 60% reduction
43:01of pain there was complete disappearance
43:05of pain on nine percent of the patients
43:07and no response in five and the p-value
43:13for this was less than point zero zero
43:15one but I want to show you the tables
43:18because they demonstrate this you know
43:21in an easier format for our eyes to
43:23catch the pain scores in the lower
43:27horizontal bar and how many patients in
43:30the vertical the frequency and as you
43:33can see most patients had from six to
43:35ten most patients had six to ten
43:40intensity all this group I mean that's
43:42that's a that's an excruciating paining
43:46most of these patients this is before
43:48treatment and this is immediately after
43:51treatment so but we saw that it wasn't
43:56like influenza were in most of the
43:58patients just one treatment will be
44:00enough we've seen that and this was not
44:03part of this paper with in chikungunya
44:04patients we need to give him three
44:06infusions of vitamin C day one two and
44:09three and that will eradicate
44:11practically ninety or more percent of
44:13the pain in all patients permanently
44:16but he's a very tough virus a virus
44:18compared to the influenza there were no
44:24reported side effects none zero so if
44:26you take the precautions of eating
44:28before and after treatment no side
44:30effects of course sometimes you may have
44:32a vasovagal reaction you may have also
44:36pain on the infusion side extravasation
44:38but in this particular group there were
44:40no side effects and as I told you
44:44patients had a recurrence of pain and a
44:46second and 30 infusion was needed at the
44:49another important point the most
44:52commonly prescribed steroid for these
44:54patients with solu-medrol or prednisone
44:57I think that's a shooting a cockroach
45:00with a tank so which can kill it but
45:05it's quite it's not good I learned that
45:09court F 5 milligrams not only can help
45:11most of these patients
45:13that's hydrocortisone but he will not
45:16alter the pituitary adrenal axis so you
45:20can stop this in one day he doesn't have
45:24the danger of the suppression of the
45:26pituitary adrenal axis and it doesn't
45:29have the side effects of high-dose
45:30steroids so court F 5 milligrams we use
45:33with the patients and we definitely
45:35prefer that to the other stores so if
45:38you're gonna use tumors this is the one
45:40I recommend so from from that time we
45:44treated a 102 patients and the ultimate
45:48control with those 3 infusions usually
45:51around 90% and they have to eat before
45:54or during treatment and no air travel
45:56for 24 hours after the infusion why is
45:59that because hydrogen peroxide may
46:01produce small bubbles and that's not a
46:04problem clinically we don't have side
46:06effects but if you get in a plane and
46:09there are still bubbles there the
46:11exactly the same thing that happens to a
46:13diver when they come up too quickly can
46:15happen you can form bubbles we never
46:17seen that but we tell our patients not
46:19to travel 24 hours after that infusion
46:23or 24 hours after direct intravenous
46:27ozone infusion so that's a rule in our
46:30we treated six patients with chikungunya
46:33with intravenous ozone because we we
46:37like Thomas levy here had the impression
46:40that also will work for that he has
46:42worked before for other viral illnesses
46:44and problems now over the years iíve
46:48done ozone and we used to give more
46:50doses and getting to some problems that
46:53we don't get into right now I I want to
46:57clarify that the Madrid declaration does
47:00not endorse direct intravenous infusion
47:02because of the problems that may be
47:03associated with it and I perfectly
47:06understand that I perfectly understand
47:08that consensus writing and in a way I
47:12agree with them the way I used to be 15
47:1420 years ago but if this is done
47:17carefully for example but what I call
47:20carefully is that we don't use more than
47:2220 gamma that's the concentration of the
47:26ozone with the oxygen ozone mixture that
47:30comes out of the machine if we have a
47:33higher concentration then we start
47:34getting sclerosing of the veins number
47:36one we don't want to get sclerosing or
47:38veins in anyone so once you get one of
47:41those side effects you want to avoid it
47:43and that's why I was leaning towards
47:46using all the ways of administering
47:48ozone that are gentler in the body and I
47:51definitely agree with gentle so now
47:54we're using xx gamma or less we have
47:56never since then gotten any sclerosing
47:58of the veins number 2 giving too much
48:02direct intravenous infusion vols or to
48:05rapidly could cause a temporary and
48:07below that will cause a tremendous
48:08coughed I can last an hour two very
48:12uncomfortable chest pains because they
48:14Lodge in the pulmonary artery branch
48:17system and that's another thing that we
48:20don't like to see and number three it
48:22also will cause that hypoglycemia to the
48:25point in some patients that it could
48:27cause a complete blindness which is
48:32temporary but it's very scary when it
48:35happens and it's totally reversible
48:37those are things you want to avoid and
48:40direct intravenous ozone if it's not
48:43done proper
48:44and by properly I mean 20 gamma number
48:47one number two we never start the way we
48:50used to when I started more than 20
48:52years ago during doing ozone with 30 to
48:5660 cc's of ozone that's what we used to
48:59do never again I start patients with Phi
49:02cc's then the following week I give him
49:06ten the following week 15 and if I keep
49:10doing that I will never see a problem
49:14I don't see a problem anymore so we go
49:16slow low concentration eat before you
49:20come to the clinic very important issues
49:23and matters now over five to ten minutes
49:28now the body will get used to it
49:30but if a patient does not come for two
49:33or three weeks we start the process
49:35again so if they were a twenty and they
49:38come a month later we don't do 25 a
49:41month later because then we may get into
49:43trouble again the body will get this
49:45used to the ozone it was used to it and
49:49the mechanisms were clearing and
49:51accepting and we're fine so we start
49:53again at five or ten so if we follow
49:55those guidelines directing Trevino's
49:57ozone is is safe effective and cost
50:02effective as well and we will have no
50:05side effects so we start with a five ten
50:08fifteen there was and we did those three
50:12three days in a row you know patient
50:14these six patients with chikungunya they
50:17had complete resolution of pain within
50:19three days in all six patients and one
50:22patient had minimal chest discomfort
50:24that clearing one hour it wasn't the
50:27usual cough or the usual chest pain just
50:30a discomfort but we have to study this
50:33more it's only six patients and we're
50:37continuing to look into that so in
50:41conclusion and I wanted to add one more
50:44thing because the epstein-barr virus is
50:49is endemic in Puerto Rico and I guess in
50:52the United States as well you remember
50:54the term Burkitt's lymphoma is a
50:56lymphoma there was a soul
50:57ciara with the virus in children in
50:59Africa because we have a mixture of
51:02African blood with Spanish blood and in
51:07the and Indian blood in Puerto Rico we
51:11have this virus in the whole population
51:13and I found that in every patient with
51:16lymphoma in Puerto Rico that I've seen I
51:18don't know how many because we're
51:20counting them now it might be it must be
51:23anywhere between 40 to 75 patients I'm
51:26not sure yet but all of them I have done
51:29a titer of epstein-barr IgG viral capsid
51:32antigen and nuclear antigen so if you
51:35have a patient that you suspect chronic
51:37fatigue syndrome fibromyalgia
51:40hypothyroidism every patient with
51:43hypothyroidism in Puerto Rico we started
51:46suspecting them of having Epstein Barr
51:49as the cost of the hypothyroidism of
51:51course cause of hypothyroidism is a
51:55topic because obesity pollution will
52:01predispose that thyroid but eventually
52:04we have these patients with many nodules
52:06and the nodules are biopsied was the
52:09most common result of a negative biopsy
52:11chronic lymphocytic infiltrate it's all
52:15normal but it's a chronic lymphocytic
52:17infiltrate consistent with Hashimoto's
52:19thyroiditis but why do they have the
52:21Hashimoto's thyroiditis and why the
52:23chronic lymphocytic infiltrate so we
52:26started thinking epstein-barr and all
52:28these patients had the tightest up the
52:29roof we haven't done the antigen because
52:33it's much more expensive and some
52:35patients insurance doesn't cover it but
52:37the ones that we've done the IgG they've
52:39all come out positive all the papillary
52:41carcinoma patients on follicular
52:43carcinoma also have come out positive
52:45with an Epstein Barr virus titer so now
52:48we're managing hypothyroidism not only
52:51with the usual detoxification or weight
52:53reduction strategies but also as an aunt
52:56as a viral disease and the chronic
53:00fatigue syndrome of course on
53:01fibromyalgia that are positive to the
53:03titer and we've seen a excellent results
53:05and of course one of the main papers on
53:08epstein-barr virus and and the
53:11results of lowering antibody load in the
53:16body and also lowering the symptoms is
53:18dr. Han engage paper here from reordain
53:20clinic I think that was about two three
53:22years ago and that paper shows that
53:25vitamin C is effective against
53:27epstein-barr so we use the same
53:28strategies with these patients and they
53:31they've been very effective as well to
53:37summarize intravenous vitamin C and
53:39hydrogen peroxide infusions are
53:40associated with a significant
53:44significant and lasting reduction of
53:45pain in patients with chikungunya DVI
53:48which is direct venous introduction of
53:51ozone is associated with the
53:53disappearance of painting patients with
53:54chikungunya we need to study this
53:56further minor side effects were reported
53:58and most can be avoided by eating before
54:00and during infusions and we have the
54:05Zika virus
54:06in Puerto Rico how do I put it I think
54:13that's the the the you can only laugh at
54:16these things I think that's a big joke
54:18first of all I I've been hearing the
54:20news about this major epidemic in Puerto
54:22Rico but I haven't seen the epidemic
54:24number one number two we have seen some
54:28cases of Zika in the last month yes I
54:31have to say that we have seen them and
54:33he said characteristic conjunctivitis
54:36malaise a little sore throat but they
54:39usually go away by without any vitamin C
54:43the the is a very weak virus if it's a
54:46virus he's very weak and he's very short
54:52lasting but we started trying to develop
54:57a strategy to we we don't believe at all
55:00that this is crossing the microcephaly
55:02in children I'll tell you why if you go
55:06to the CDC website and I love giving the
55:08CDC website because they they themselves
55:10have the data
55:11the CDC has been reported on
55:13microcephaly for 30 or 40 years in the
55:16United States there are about 12 to
55:1815,000 cases of microcephaly a year but
55:21who's raised the alarm nobody's
55:23complaining about it
55:25that incidence has not changed with Zika
55:27is still there
55:28the CDC mentions as one of the main
55:31causes of microcephaly in the United
55:33States guess what pesticides in the
55:36website go to the eggs right there
55:37so they mentioned that pesticides but of
55:40course they don't say is the cause they
55:42say it could be a contributor you know
55:44how the language is so we have to be
55:47very careful about calling something due
55:49to a virus when in reality may be due to
55:52pesticides or him or he may be due to
55:54both and I'm not saying we shouldn't be
55:55careful we should be careful because we
55:58know German measles and measles can be
56:00associated to microcephaly and other
56:03congenital malformations so we have to
56:06be careful so I recommend vitamin C for
56:09pregnant females some of my colleagues
56:11say well that's gonna be it's gonna
56:14damage the the fetus I said no it's not
56:16and we have someone and I thanks thanks
56:21to Thomas levy gave me this reference
56:22from Klenner in the Journal of applied
56:24nutrition he treated 300 pregnant
56:26females all of them he gave vitamin C by
56:29mouth for grams the first trimester 6
56:33grams the second trimester and 10 grams
56:35the third trimester of pregnancy a day
56:38the labor was shorter in the ones I got
56:42the vitamin C less painful and the ones
56:44that got a verse was the ones that did
56:46not take it daily strea gravid re was
56:50totally absent in the females that will
56:53take vitamin c i would exercise after
56:55the pregnancy and there were no
56:58miscarriages or feeding problems and the
57:01children the day of their birth were
57:02started at 50 milligrams a day newborns
57:05at the time these a group of babies he
57:10had a the only quadruplets that survived
57:13there were the only surviving
57:14quadruplets in this southern USA the
57:16first group was from Cleaners group so
57:19Klenner showed that this was safe
57:21effective who knows because we don't we
57:24were he was not treating viral illnesses
57:26specifically but this is the protocol
57:29that i tell my patients with pregnancy
57:32to take not only for the possibility of
57:35Sica inducing malformations which i
57:38don't believe
57:39in at all because I that data does not
57:41support it but there are other viruses
57:43we have to be concerned about so I
57:45recommend that to the and other
57:47situations I can improve the quality of
57:49that delivery so I recommend this to the
57:52pregnant females and has been shown to
57:54be safe and I recommend you read the
57:57paper because it's quite informative so
58:01that's the suggested protocol for the
58:03pregnant females
58:04I saw I've seen for patients so far one
58:07that was confirmed by laboratory from
58:09the CDC and all have responded within 24
58:12hours to vitamin C oral intravenous but
58:15I have no idea if it was vitamin C oral
58:18or intravenous or just a natural course
58:20of the disease because it is a very mild
58:22virus I have to be honest with you so
58:24I'm not taking any credit whatsoever we
58:27have to study this further but it's a
58:29very gentle virus compared to the others
58:31not so chikungunya