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Dr Klenner's papers summarized
Dr Klenner's papers summarized

It is known the C regulates the intercellular substance of the capillary wall. The collagen of all fibrous tissue structures is dependent on an adequate level of Vitamin C. Increased capillary fragility is observed in individuals when the blood level of C drops to 1 mg per liter. These weak capillary walls may allow a simple virus to invade the brain

Dr. Klenner is convinced that C will work in any problem but the negative results reported are only because an insufficient amount was used. A tragic error in judgment has been made by the National Academy of Science and the National Research Council: the minimum daily requirement for C. All of us need more; some need a lot more.

Factors that determine need:
habits, alcohol, drugs, tobacco
sleep, especially if drugged
trauma of infection, of physical injury, of work, of emotions, of surgery
Kidney threshold
physiological stress
climate changes
loss of C in stools
binders in tablets
individual difference in body chemistry
drugs, pesticides, carbon monoxide exposure
poor storage.

3)Klenner describes subclinical scurvy:
"Klenner quotes the Food and Life Year Book, 1939, published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (surely as conservative and orthodox a group as one could ever find): “Even when there is not a single outward symptom of trouble, a person may be in a state of Vitamin C deficiency more dangerous than scurvy itself. When such a condition is not detected, and continues uncorrected, the teeth and bones will be damaged, and what may be even more serious, the blood stream is weakened to the point where it can no longer resist or fight infections not so easily cured as scurvy. Five grains of aspirin will not relieve kidney colic; don’t expect control of a virus with 100 to 400 mg of C.”"

4) Dosage -
In Dr. Klenner’s review of his over 3000 cases about 15% required more Vitamin C than the average. This ties in with the idea that we are all different. It also explains why some dogs, who make their own Vitamin C would die of distemper. “I have cured many dogs suffering with distemper by giving several grams of ascorbic acid, by needle, every two hours.” 15% of 300 obstetrical cases required 15 grams of C daily to remain within normal limits. The other 85% needed only 10 grams per day. He felt some spillage into the urine indicated the body was saturated. “White blood cells are useless unless they are full of ascorbic acid.”

5 ) Dosage -
Dr. Klenner argues that the recommended daily allowances are only to prevent scurvy. “Acute scurvy and chronic hypovitaminosis are metabolically different conditions.” We all are much more vulnerable to stress, infections, and pollution.

A shortage is produced from a poor diet but also poor hygiene, overcrowding, dampness, cold and physical work (or play). There is a narrow margin between health and pathological changes.

The idea of these big doses is to saturate the tissues; the white blood cells will be able to destroy pathogens. “I have seen diphtheria, hemolytic streptococcus infections clear within hours following an injection of ascorbic acid in a dose ranging from 500-700 mg per kilogram of body weight given intravenously as fast as the patient’s cardiovascular system will allow.”

7) Others -
Massive doses for rheumatic fever. C will cure TB by removal of the organism’s coat. Also pneumonia—(so it does not matter if one has a viral or bacterial pneumonia, it works).

8) C is the number one precursor for collagen formation.

9)Arthritis: Vitamin C counteracts the damaging effects of aspirin. C is the number one precursor for collagen formation. If serum levels of C are high, synovial fluid is thinner allowing for easier joint movement. Those taking 15 to 25 grams daily will experience commensurate benefit. Prevention seems prudent. “A person who will take ten to twenty grams of ascorbic acid a day along with other nutrients might very well never develop arthritis.”

10)As a matter of fact Dr. Klenner had been studying the effects of ten grams of C per day orally in patients with diabetes mellitus; 60% were able to control the condition with diet and C. The other 40% were able to reduce the insulin dose. Wounds healed more readily. The C assists the liver in its function of carbohydrate metabolism.

11) Dr. Klenner has found in his investigation of over 300 pregnancies, that the stress of the condition pushed the needs for C in women up to 15 grams a day. The human fetus is a parasite draining available C from the mother. We are all different and our needs for Vitamin C vary depending upon heredity, environment, stress—or its perception. He reminds us of Roger Williams’ research in 1968 showing that some guinea pigs needed twenty times more Vitamin C than others to maintain their health. (The usual dose for pregnant humans: 4 grams daily in the first trimester; 6 grams daily in the second trimester; 8 to 10 grams in the third trimester). He obtained excellent results with these large doses of C in women who had been habitual aborters. [Greenblatt] One woman had had five miscarriages and then with the Vitamin C went on to have two normal pregnancies. The German literature is full of cases of these good results. Hemoglobin was easier to maintain, leg cramps were less (Vitamin C enhances iron and calcium and magnesium absorption). Striae gravidarum (stretch marks) were seldom encountered. Labor was shorter and less painful. No post partum hemorrhage. The perineum was more elastic and if Vitamin C was maintained, it continued to remain firm. Infants are robust with this Vitamin C. None required resuscitation. 50 mg of ascorbic acid was begun on the infant’s second day and was gradually increased as time went on. A set of quadruplets in this series were healthy and taking milk on the second day. It is especially helpful for the rapidly growing connective tissue, teeth and blood vessels. [King]

12) Schizophrenia: Dr. Klenner reminds us of Hoffer and Osmond’s work with niacin and Vitamin C back in the early 1950’s. Six to 8 grams of C a day made the niacin work. One schizophrenic took one gram every hour for 48 hours and was completely recovered for six months with no further treatment. These megadoses halved the suicide rate. It has been demonstrated that schizophrenics burn up C ten times faster than the normal population. Most people show some spill of C in the urine at 4 grams per day; schizophrenics have to take ten times this amount before it can be detected. Dr. Klenner noticed this spillage in patients severely affected with a virus only after two to three days of large doses of C and improvement had begun.

13)Surgery: Way back in 1960 and again in 1966, Dr. Klenner delivered papers before the Tri-State Medical Society calling attention to the “scurvy levels” of C in post-operative patients. The levels began to fall six hours after surgery and by 24 hours the levels were 3/4 lower than pre-op. Tensile strength of healing wounds is lowered if the plasma drops to scurvy levels. The lower the C levels the poorer the wound heals. [Bartlett, Lanman) Even as little a dose as 500 mg of C orally “was remarkable successful in preventing shock and weakness,” following dental extraction, he quotes Schumacher. He remembers a surgery case in 1949 when he assisted a surgeon in a potentially hopeless case. Extensive adhesions of the viscera defied separation. The surgeon repaired twenty tears and closed the abdomen. She should not have survived. The patient was given two grams of C every two hours intravenously for 48 hours and then four grams per day. In a day and a half she was up walking and in a week discharged home with normal bowels and no pain. 30 grams should be given intravenously daily—post-operatively, until food and pills are tolerated orally. Dr. Klenner used 10 grams preoperatively intravenously and ten grams in each post-operative bottle and then ten grams orally when eating was resumed. Surgical wounds rarely separated with this method. Fractures healed faster. (Some surgeons will give ten grams of Vitamin C at the end of the operation, and the patient is awake and alert in 60 seconds. No need for the nausea and vomiting in the recovery room.)

Heavy Metal Poisonings: Especially lead and mercury—are controlled with Vitamin C injections and oral intake. An intake of Vitamin C daily will protect animals—and by extrapolation, humans—from fatal doses of mercury. If a guinea pig needed 200 mg one day to protect it from an otherwise fatal dose of mercury, the human would need 14 grams daily. Smaller doses would be able to protect the body from smaller amounts of the toxin.

Lead poisoning: 350 mg of Vitamin C per one kg of body weight taken intramuscularly every two to four hours; recovery in less than 72 hours. Dr. Klenner found that the amount of C used “in any case is the all important factor. In 28 years of research we have observed that 30 grams each day is critical in terms of response” regardless of age and weight. (Barbiturate intoxication, snake bite and viral encephalitis may require larger doses in some individuals.)

Doctors do not seem to realize that the need for C is different “in each one of us either because of the individual kidney threshold level or because of greater requirements necessitated by pathology.”

“Adults taking at least ten grams of ascorbic acid daily and children under ten at least one gram for each year of life will find that the brain will be clearer, the mind more active, the body less wearied, and the memory more retentive.” Another summary by Dr. Klenner: “I have never seen a patient that Vitamin C would not benefit.” He discovered the tremendous therapeutic power of Vitamin C to aid the immune system, to act as an antihistamine, and to neutralize toxins. Again, let us not forget what comes through after examining all these published reports: “Vitamin C should be given to the patient while the doctors ponder the diagnosis.”