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The Long Exposure Festival
The Long Exposure Festival

The Long Exposure Festival is today, August 4th. Long Exposure Festival Public · Hosted by Little Dada Flemingdon Park 150 Grenoble Dr, North York, ON M3C 1B9 On August 4th, a festival of lights, photography and all things glowing will take place in Flemingdon Park. The Long Exposure Festival will feature explorations of light in all of its formats, from wearable technology and performance art to interactive sculptures and take-home long exposure photography. This is an all ages event with free food! We'll be east of Grenoble Drive from 6p onwards! If you're coming from downtown, take the 100A from Broadview station and get off at Grenoble Dr at Spanbridge Rd North Side! The Long Exposure Festival is supported by Toronto Arts Council.
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