Make Your Own Fabric Paint
Acrylic Paint
Acrylic Medium (Liquitex mediums work great, I used a transparent gloss medium)
Container with Tight Fitting Lid
Fabric for Testing (You want something the same or similar to what you will use your paint on)
Iron / Ironing Board
Foam brush (Paint brushes work well in a pinch, but I've found foam brushes work better)
Step 1: Mixing Your Paint
The easiest way to make a fabric paint from a basic acrylic paint is to thin it using an acrylic medium. I used a transparent Liquitex gloss medium which works well for light colored fabrics. If you want to use your paint for darker colors, it would be better to use an opaque gloss or matte medium.
Step 2: Testing Your Paint
If your paint soaks through the fabric, you may need more acrylic paint in it. If it dries to an uncomfortable stiffness, then it may need more of the acrylic medium.
Step 3: Heat-Setting Your Paint
Once the paint has completely dried, you can heat-set it by ironing it (set your iron on a medium temperature) for 4-5 minutes. Do not use steam.
Step 4: Use Your Paint!
Congratulations! You just made your own fabric paint. There are now countless colors that you can make now that you are not limited to the colors at the store. Customize your clothes, pillows, etc. in a whole new way!
Gold paint techniques:
use over top of textures, patterns: demo
When using gold paint, use textures! more texure will pick up light from any angle, flat painting only picks up light from 1 angle. When gold is not lit up, it can look dark.