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michaels | dollarama | above ground | articulations | staples | INTERFERENCE | modeling paste Helpful Hints about Interference Colors The initial important and helpful things to know about most of the Interference colors are: They are very translucent and reach their maximum intensity when fully dry. The color effect is angle dependent. At very oblique angles over a white or pale valued color, the compliment of the main interference color can be seen. So, for instance, Interference Red can also appear greenish, Interference Orange, bluish, and Interference Green, reddish. This “flip” cannot be seen when the Interference colors are over a dark valued color, such as black, or if blended with dark valued colors. The strongest color effect is with a thin application over a dark valued color, such as black. They can be mixed and blended with other colors. When blending with very light valued and opaque colors such as Titanium White, keep additions very small. Adding too much will cause the pigments to all but disappear and the interference effect will be blocked. Mixing with darker valued pigments will make an infinite variety of more intense iridescent colors that can also become opaque, yet maintain a strong iridescence. You can blend them with any translucent acrylic medium to create translucent iridescent/interference glazes. Mixing with Iridescent and Interference Colors While Iridescent and Interference colors can certainly be used by themselves to create many different effects, the colors and textural effects are multiplied many times over once you start blending in various Mediums, Gels , and acrylic paint colors. While you can blend them with just about any regular paint color, you will find that lighter valued and more opaque pigments such as oxides and cadmiums, will require a bigger addition of Iridescent color to create the same intensity you could get with a more translucent color family such as Quinacridones or Phthalos.
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