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Canada Council Arts

a lot of awards and prizes. New/Early Career Artists will have access to the following funding components: Explore and Create: Professional Development for Artists Explore and Create: Research and Creation Explore and Create: Concept to Realization This profile is open to young practicing artists.

Digital objects & font design, 2015 - Current
-use CSS3 to design beautiful objects such as buttons, menus with colour, gradients and shading.
-publication themes using textures, custom colour palettes and typefaces
-created Pearl button generator
-designed many website themes $100,000 Project Grants 6 April 2022 28 September 2022 Composite Grants 28 September 2022 Up to $30 000 per year, Any time before your departure date

The Translation component of Arts Across Canada funds activities linked to the translation of Canadian literary works or dramatic works into French, English or an Aboriginal (First Nations, Inuit or Métis) language for Canadian publication or presentation. Deadline and Grant Amount 12 January 2022 15 June 2022 19 October 2022 11 January 2023 Consult the Deadlines and Notification of Results page Up to $25 000 for each translation, plus an Annual Supplement for targeted cost 10,000

Remember me, buy my shirts!
pop art MBZ