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digital green house
digital green house

Google doc application

they want to see a band of groups together

to complete project xxx from day/month to day/month

4. start date must be after the application

5. end date

6. 100 wrd description of initiative: digital tools for artists

7. i work as a digital artist/programmer. i was influnecd to make this inititaive bcuase f the shortage of useful tools

8.sectrol challengels, gaps/opportunities related to digital world u wish to address with tis project?

9. anticipated benefits who will benefit? artist? art organizations? arts sector? brader community?

10. who will benefit?

11 outline work plan includint timeline

12 ow measure impact project

13 how share results with commintyu

14. expertise and capacity

15. partner groups or organizations if possible.
valeri? evan? mark?
orgs: ocad