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Richard Sexton
82 Mulock Ave, Toronto ON M6N 3C6

Professional wordsmith, hands-on creator (wood, leather, photography), publishing content my whole life.

I've been performing curation of Killifish data since the late 1980s. To date I have curated over 15,000 images which have been online since 1995. I've authored many articles on the subject. The next step is producing books of possible evolutionary pathways; the culmination of a life's work.

University of Waterloo - Mathematics Major, Biology Minor, 1976-79
-Trained in the art of scientific illustrations
-Digital pre-press: fonts, layout, page composition, typefaces, book-printing

Book-Binding Arts - self trained since 2012
Adobe Photoshop - self trained since 1995
Adobe Illustrator - self trained since 1995
Adobe InDesign - self trained since 2001
Microsoft Publisher - self trained since 2001

Technical Skills
Digital Image Publishing
Professional Printing Expertise

Relevant Work Experience

1) Publisher & Designer, Digital Publishing Suite, 1995-current
-Writing software
-Printable pages with intent to create instant book
-Curation software

2) Author & Photographer, Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine, 1995-2005
-Highly respected and internationally known author considered influential because of his curation of all internet aquaria between 1988 and 1995
-Was first person to produce & submit publication quality photographs, pioneering digital photography with the first digital photo of a fish ever published in a magazine.
-Online digitisation of articles:

3) IT staff member, Hamilton Spectator 1973-74
-As member of the technical staff oversaw the care and feeding of the photo-composition computer that fed a digital typesetter which had just replaced the hot lead at the Hamilton Spectator newspaper

4) Member of Typesetting Taskforce at Waterloo University, 1978-79
-Developed Unix photo composition software tools for printing.