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How will this project contribute to your development (or to your group’s overall goals)? (Maximum 200 words)
explore new ways to conserve killifish pictures as scientific refernce material, which helps identify and conserve new species ex. going form digital to print books.

Who will this project impact (e.g. you, other artists, your audience, community, participants) and how? (Maximum 175 words) Writing tip: Connections Projects: Describe how the activities/project will benefit the craft artists involved. If relevant, identify the intended audience(s) or participant(s). Tell us how the project may benefit the audience, the craft community or the larger community. For projects involving non-Ontario artists, you must clearly describe the benefit to the Ontario craft community and/or audiences.

This will impact the local Toronto scientific community and the international fish community. ichthyologists, field specimen collectors, fish breeders, both in professional circles and at-home.
the book will impact audiences who visit the Rom and see the fish specimens, they can view the fish from another medium in a high quality book of fish in their best form and colours.
this benefits the craft community as an addition to books similar in style to famous Audobon bird books. now added to the collection are lesser-known kilifsh. a secondary effect is the killifish will be recognised in new communities, such as arts and craft.
Does this project involve artists, organizations and/or audiences/participants from one or more of OAC's priority groups and their communities (Indigenous peoples, persons of colour, Francophones, people 18 - 30 years old (new generation), Deaf persons and persons with disabilities, and people and organizations located in regions outside Toronto)? If yes, who, how and why? (Maximum 150 words) Writing tip: Describe your relationship to artists, organizations and/or audiences/participants who will be represented, engaged or affected by your project. Talk about how you developed that relationship.

as a member of the south american community, i as the main artist identify as person of colour and also as a person from 18-30. it is important to me that people learn about kilifish as I had discovered 7 years ago they also came from my native land. it is significant to me that the scientific community has interests in the native floa and fauna.
it is also important to me that people who represent the region such as i, am involved int he keeping and conserving of killifish and related freshwater fish information and cataloguing.
i find i have a personal interest in this subject, and i want to connect people, mainly persons of colour, with a part of their heritage that is often overlooked: the significance of local killifh.
* Do you have any partners, either arts-related or non-arts-related on this project? How will you work with them and what will they contribute to the project? (Maximum 175 words)