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Creative Cases for Micro Computers
Creative Cases for Micro Computers

How practical is it to use Lego for building DIY electronics cases?
Pictured is an Arduino circuit on a bread board to make a portable digital thermometer.
LEGO Raspberry Pi #digital #creativity #outsideTheBox #OCAD #electronics #diy OCAD University

Haoran Zhang: My "portable" digital thermometer

This is one of my first Arduino projects. Suggestions are welcome.

I'm using DHT11 temperature-humidity sensor and LCD 1602 display panel.
The potentiometer is for screen contrast adjustment. I could have used an l2c backpack to connect the LCD instead but I don't have any at hand, so the wires.
Circuit diagram is in the comments.
The Lego serves as a DIY case.

The code is here:,
which I got from a tutorial.
The code reads the digits one by one from the DHT11 and calculates the temperature and humidity.
I later found that there's a simpler way to do that by using the DHTLib library,
but I just follow the code for the moment.

Pine64 is doing it too.

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xs sm lg
xs sm lg