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total amount 6,000
artist fees 2,000 for 80 hours work. 4 hour work sessions, 3 per week. 6 weeks of production.
secondary artist 1,000 for 40 hours work.
equipment 1,000.
consultant: nathan lujan ichtylogist : 200

Morpheus Photo Animation Suite v3.17 Industrial $199.95 $199.95
Morpheus Photo Compressor v3.01 Standard $29.95
Upgrade to Compressor Professional Total $229 x 2 = $480

Per half day, under 4 hours $208
Per day, over 4 hours $364

10 half days for 2,000.
secondary: 5 half days for 1000.
15 days total time
1 month work time

work on project 3 days per week, 50 weeks per year = 150 days work. 150 x 200 = 30,000 or, $22 per hr :

