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media art cv RS79
Media Artist CV

Richard Sexton
82 Mulock Ave, Toronto ON M6N 3C6

I've been performing digital manipulation and curation of Killifish data since the late 1980s. To date I have curated over 15,000 images which have been online since 1995. The next step is producing animations of possible evolutionary pathways; the culmination of a life's work.

For the past 18 months, I have been consistently building an artistic portfolio with intent to complete larger projects in future.

University of Waterloo - Mathematics Major, Biology Minor, 1976-79
-Trained in the art of scientific illustrations

Morpheus Photo Morpher - self trained since 2012
Adobe Photoshop - self trained since 1995
Adobe Illustrator - self trained since 1995
Adobe InDesign - self trained since 2001

Technical Skills
Digital Image Manipulation
Drawing from life
Drawing from memory and imagination

Visual Art Accomplishment 1: Director & Animator, Hypothetical Evolution of Aphyosemion batesii into Aphyosemion bualanam 2016-2017
-Worlds first hypothetical evolutionary video featuring Killifish evolution over 1 million years
-Patterns on the fish represent evolutionary changes and helps organise them into phylogenic order
-Divided photos over a period of months to create animated video
-Link here:

Visual Art Accomplishment 2: Visual Artist - Gularis Acrylic Painting, September 2021- Current
-A study of the carmine vermiform line formations on Killifish "Gularis"
-Included are study sketches and final painting in progress
-Link here: Gularis Painting

Media Art Accomplishment 1: Curator, Illustrated Catalogue of Freshwater Fishes, 1995-Current
-Comprehensive encyclopedia of aquarium life with 70,000 photos all known species of fish, plants, invertebrates are pictured but also prominent people, important stores and fishrooms.
-The idea of this is a free online version of Hoedeman's famous 1950 aquarium encyclopedia which was the gold standard.
-Snapshot of the Killifish website:

Curator, Killinet, 1993-Current
-Images of the World's Killifish (
-Since 1993 I've curated multiple pictures of every member of family Cyprinodontiformes
-This is an internationally known resource among Killifish workers around the world

Media Art Accomplishment 2: Author, Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine, 1995-2005
-Highly respected and internationally known author considered influential because of his creation of all internet aquaria fora between 1988 and 1995
-Online digitisation of articles here:

Comments from Colleagues:

- Michael Oliver, PhD references Sexton's work published in TFH
-"In the September 1998 issue of TFH (Tropical Fish Hobbyist magazine), Richard Sexton was kind enough to include this site in his monthly column "Surfing the Fish 'Net.""