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dynamic art. pinion wheel at 2:14.
transparent display
glowing moon
lamp. glue sticks + led = lamp.
light sculptures. Stepping stones, interactive, lightbulbs with leds in them, light harps.
paper light sculpture
1) render 100 circles of 150px diameter. assign each one a unique z-index from 1-100. 2)once per ciylce, increment the z-index in odd numberd ones and decrement in even numbered ones. generate a new locatio for each circle randomly. to move it, use css block for eahc one, generate css onthe fly thats the same thing but new location. then do a transofrm onthem using bj spline.


create moving light cube. glow sticks with leds create moving lights. paper cube. or a matte plastic.

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xs sm lg
xs lg
Remember me, buy my shirts!
pop art MBZ