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Digital Futures Alumni Feedback Calling all OCADU Digital Futures Alumni! If you're comfortable with answering, please fill out the following form to talk to us about your experience in the program, how you think it prepared you for the work field, and the career you are currently pursuing today. This information will be used to improve the program and help give guidance to current students wondering what the possibilities are after this program. If you have any questions, please reach out to @dfundergrad on Instagram. Thank you! Switch account Draft saved * Indicates required question Email * Record as the email to be included with my response What is your full name? * Clara Sexton What year did you graduate from DF? * 2019
How was your experience at OCAD in the Digital Futures program? It started great - to my ocad was hallowed ground. i wasliterally walkign the same path ats the group of seven. and this plus the promise of digital imagry made it feel something out of stra trek. my hopes were dashed in two areaas: 1) expertise 2) administration. the probelm was however it felt liek the poele int he class knew more than the instructor. not perhaps about the subject they were teaching, btut he concept of ocad doing soemthing anythyign introdcutory with high tech was fallacial. becaseut he students all had the latest and greatest yet what the schoolw as teaching was the rehash of a 10 year old copy of soemthing else. this is not a problem with ocas per say, insisituaionally this is what universities do. but the kids in the class in aggregate know far more abotu tech that the instructor could ever learn. in my case this lack of expertise was devastating. i was excited to be an x-shaped designer. but suddenly it seemed there was a vote and we became game design class. well there are tons of game design courses at every college and university int he province. but there was not any course like the DFI course from OCAD. ultimately, many of my closest and brightest friends in the program dropped out. Even i dropped out after the 2nd year, when the teachers just went over the same material from 1st and 2nd year, and didnt seem experienced. they jsut jkind of gave us homework liek it was a high school. not liek the magic Accio class that focused on imagination. So I left DFI because i was offered to learn on the job. i think ocad cant compete with that. the digital community there is not interested int eh new technology or poeple who have real world experience. my colleagues at my new job reache dout to ocad staff whop were not interested int he new digital stuff happpening, they said they just needed a teacher who came with funding. well, some people are better and more focused at explaining technology than gaining funding. . which is an obstacle to the real innovation and creativity potential of this schoool. the mac problem As I understand, the DFI was the first computer class at OCAD, which is primarily an art school. the first year class was Xcode, and the classroom did not have any mac computers for the few people who used.
How well do you think DF prepared you for the work field? What helped and what didn't help? What career did you end up doing after graduation? If you are comfortable, could you share with us what helped you land in that field? Do you have any other feedback or advise for current students that you would like to share? Never submit passwords through Google Forms. This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google. Report Abuse - Terms of Service - Privacy Policy Google Forms