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Unix talk on FB
Unix talk on FB

Marc Nkouly noeSsdtrpoa6 Y a : fa d 0g4 s a52 0 e u5ug y 7am 3 t t 1 4 3 a 04m6m7 r ut9tg 7 gf e · Lynn C Never knew or rather couldn't imagine U of T had a prominent place in writing the history of #UNIX Clara Sexton is at University of Toronto. Admin · noeSsdtrpoa6 2 t : fa s 0g4 A a52 1 g u5ug 7am 2 a u 1 1 1 3 t 04m6m7 u ut9tgcgf · Just like being back in Digital Futures computer history class. Also shows U of T computer lab and their first UNIX machine. Cool vid by Rob Pike. The History of Unix, Rob Pike The History of Unix, Rob Pike The history of Unix as seen through the eyes of Rob Pike. You will get an insider's view of the development of some of the key pieces of the modern computing... Richard MbzWatch-Sexton Rob Pike is a natural successor to Dnnis Ken and Ken. When DMT was done he'd made a good strt on Plan 9 the successor to uix. Rob more or less finishs it, Apple ued it, then Rob went to Google and wrote very clever programming language, "Go". I suspect becuse of this, Toronto did figure quite prominently in early internet software. trn, utzoo's usenet archive, smail (to replace that awful sendmail that was the first email server) ans a few more things. It's really like Palo Alto north 🙂 Toronto also has the largest phone local dial area in the world, so this cityi s the best place to run an isp in Canada in the 90s, me (vrx( and 3 others (interlog, pipeline, uunet/io) were the first ISP's in this area around 95/96 or so. Those guys did dial up, I did broadbnd (ISDN) and www/cgi. Back then I had "WWW" on my car license plate but only one person ever commented it 🙂 1 da day ago Author Marc Nkouly Richard MbzWatch-Sexton Waouh so you had done ISP BUSINESS ??? Thats something we should talk about. 1 da day ago Richard MbzWatch-Sexton Marc Nkouly well, yeah, but not dialup. support fot a lot of people all new to computers and the web is lethal. I just did high speed connections ad www/cgi stuff. Less clients but more money, and if they're callinf got an ISDN connection they're unlikely to call me and ask why the mouse isn't working. Business wasn't great but I got to know a lot of interesting people both work related and not I met Moses Znaimer in Toronto's first cybercafe and I guess I must have impressed him with a 3d ray trces anumation I was working on there, we chatted for a while. I got to explain the internet to my bank's exec team and became firneds with the ceo of the skydome, so yeah it was more fun that consumer dialup stuff. There's a book called the 1996 Canadian Internet Handbook, VRx is in there and subsequent copies. That stuff all gave way to domain name work from say 98 on. That part was very very surreal.