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In / From / Through We started at the CN Tower. Giant architectural drawing of the top level. Cross section. Then we went to the Collingwood. Which was also a architectural drawing, but with a xylene transfer of a photo over top. The first photo is a nomadic prototype building from a project. Relevant be ause the Collingwood is turned into a condo. The stripe of gold paint can represent the displaced gold or wealth in the world. And the Collingwood can represent the refining of materials and factory impacts of the world. Environmentally. The bottom transfer is of a quarry which the artist got his brother, whose family has a strong background in resource extraction, mining.

Sculptural Collage
Can represent drafting materials, the act of building, pieces of wood, a long ruler, slab of stone. Creates a table, which has books. Bookmarks in raw balsa wood, a draftsmans style of bookmark. The books contain some research by the artist in past career as foresight, and those books that have influenced the artist. One was a description of the medieval way of making graphs. A stack of books on theory, explaining perspective from marginalized communities.m

A short of research project into the trope of death, and how people handle it. A book on a single pedestal describes ancient Irish death masks, a cast direct from the face of the subject. A wall of articles, book pages, show the indigenous perspective of the colonial gaze, where they veiled the pictures of their dead because they were depicted in a colonial book, using colonial methods, etc, and we're not respectful. So the artist has researched into an indigenous person, and applied his own gold veil, making a mysterious portrait.

The Golden Funerary Mask
Created a file of 3D rendering, using blender, of his mother's face, using photographs to reconstruct. She had passed 8 years earlier. He made a mold, and he made a 3D print. Then he turned the mold in to a work or art, he applied gold leaf to the entire inside. He said his friend was doing gold leaf for Hudons bay, and had extra, so gave him some. The effect was astonishing, making a lifelike face, inverted sculpture. I've only seen another like it across from the ago, whi h has a inverted portrait of van Gogh, which produ eds a similar optical illusion.