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Alto User's Handbook
Alto User's Handbook

Brian Reid 18 h · I'm unpacking ancient boxes and organizing what I can. Does anybody think they want this and deserve to have it?
Comments Jeff Osborn Wow! That’s a museum piece, don’t you think?
Brian Reid
Jeff Osborn I'm sure that every museum that knows what an Alto is already has one. Mine is in pretty good shape, though.
Jeff Osborn
Brian Reid It looks great. Are there any Altos out there in the wild running?
Brian Reid Jeff Osborn There is probably an app for the Apple Watch that emulates an Alto.
Jeff Osborn Brian Reid That’s hilarious and I don’t want to know if it isn’t true.
Martin Haeberli Brian Reid there’s definitely apps or the like for Macs and as i recall linux, maybe PCs, that are Alto emulators
Witold Kręcicki There's a web emulator too
Xerox Alto Emulator
Vincent M Brannigan
Brian Reid My best computer museum story . I took Ruth to Bletchly Park see the codebreaking and British Computer museums. Codebreaking was open but the Computer Museum was closed for lack of staff. I said to the director of the code breaking museum… See more
Dr. Ruth Dayhoff - Society of Imaging Informatics in Medicine

Vincent M Brannigan
for the record Brian was best man at our wedding 1975 May be a black-and-white image of 2 people and suit
Maurice Bizzarri Ask the computer history museum if they want it.
Brian Reid Maurice Bizzarri They are not accepting donations right now because their database is too scrambled to be usable.
Maurice Bizzarri Brian Reid wow that sounds grim. Hope they fix it completely not just a patch job.
Richard Man Do you have an alto? You would be the second person I know that had one
Brian Reid
Richard Man One of the many skills that I learned from the late David Boggs was how and when to get rid of obsolete technology. I don't even have USB-A, let alone an Alto. But this is a book, and the notion of getting rid of obsolete books is more complex. Somewhere in the room I'm trying to clean up is a "Programming the IBM 7094" book. It needs to go.
Richard Man Brian Reid definitely. Books go, unless it's my LISP 1.5 original manual, ha ha
Laura Evans Miskiv Brian Reid this made me laugh and remember when David got so frustrated that we couldn’t get rid of obsolete computer boards due to the write off cost that he filled my office with them! I wasn’t laughing at the time but funny to think about now.
Dave Heller Brian Reid, I am sure that I still have the "IBM 7094 Principles of Operation" somewhere.
Richard Man The guy that I bought my first Leica lens from had an alto in his house in Palo Alto
Jim Rutt cc Bruce Damer
Bruce Damer Jim Rutt I had one too!
Bruce Damer Jim Rutt May be an image of 1 person
Bruce Damer My alto at home! Showing a scanned image of Dave Boggs, co inventor of the Ethernet
Dan Mahoney The copy of this that's up on internet archive is three years newer than this. I feel like regardless of what happens here, this should get scanned and saved for posterity. If you don't feel sure that can happen, I will.
Brian Reid Dan Mahoney I'll scan it and upload it.
Darin McGrew I remember playing Maze War on the Xerox Altos at Stanford when I was in school. But I have no use for an Alto user handbook...
Ken Iisaka Cool. There was a time I programmed in Smalltalk…
Ethan Bradford I loved those at Stanford, though as for Darin McGrew, my biggest accomplishment was gaming (I got very good at Asteroids).
Chris Kantarjiev I gave mine to the Computer Museum.
Alan Clegg So, how often did people run around the building yelling "Palo" to which others would respond "Alto"?
David R. Jefferson Maybe give it to the Computer History Museum?
David R. Jefferson Have you scanned it?
Dennis Allison Computer Museum, Stanford Library, UC Berkeley Library

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