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Food 2017
Food 2017

Chicken, cheese and spinach tamale pie.
mar -   potato hash mar -   beef taco
mar -   tamale pie mar -   shrimp salad

Chicken, cheese and spinach tamale pie.

Wiener from the sausage factory for breakfast.
may -   Beef Taquitos may -   Colored Carrots may -   Blueberry Dessert may -   shrimp & soup
may -   Szechuan Noodles may -   Andy's may -   Beans and Purple Rice may -   shrimp taco

Wiener from the sausage factory for breakfast.

Wild Rice Meatball Soup
jun -   Roast Chicken jun -   carnitas tacos jun -   Pork meatballs with wild rice
jun -   Szechuan beef jun -   beef tacos jun -   eggs & beans jun -   Empanada pie

Wild Rice Meatball Soup

Mexican flatbread stuffed with lettuce
jul -   eggs & beans jul -   salami
jul -   Spicy fried rice jul -   Mexican flatbread

Mexican flatbread stuffed with lettuce

Chicken Curry on Rice
aug -   smoked kolbasa aug -   Tortillas aug -   Creme fraiche
aug -   Brazil nut creme aug -   Roast Chicken aug -   Green onion

Chicken Curry on Rice

Grape Mousse
sep -   Wild Grapes sep -   Shrimp Pho sep -   Wild grape jelly
sep -   spicy bokchoy soup sep -   Grape mousse sep -   brown basmati rice sep -   Cabbage rolls sep -   dessert of the year sep -   Tangerine yogurt chicken

Grape Mousse

09/13/17 On this day I am converted to a fruit soup lover. Nectarin soup from kensington reduced nectarines left until so overripe they begin to ferment. Baked in the oven, they caramelize and taste boozy.
Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie with Pumpkin Syrup
oct -  Duck oct -  Pumpkin oct -  Pumpkin Pudding oct -  Pumpkin Pie Royale oct -  Pumpkin Pie Royale
oct -  Roasted duck breakfast oct -  Pumpkin Pie Royale oct -  Pumpkin Pie Royale oct -  Tandoori Chicken oct -  Pumpkin Pie Royale oct -  Baked Pumpkin oct -  Pumpkin Pie Royale oct -  Pumpkin Pie Royale oct -  Pumpkin Juice Syrup oct -  Pumpkin Juice

Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie with Pumpkin Syrup

Roasted and stuffed Duck
Healthy Pumpkin Pie
Acorn Squash from Ontario
nov -  nov -  nov -  nov -  nov -
nov -  Ontario acorn squash nov -  nov -  nov -  nov -  nov -  R's Pork Sausage nov -  Amazing Meatball with Roasted Veg nov -  nov -  nov -  nov -  nov -  nov -  nov -  nov -  nov -  nov -

Acorn Squash from Ontario

Obsession of the month: Lemon zest and green onion on fried potatoes
Acorn Squash
Healthy Pumpkin Pie
Fairytale Pumpkin Pie Royale
dec -  Fairytale in Kensington dec -  dec -  dec -
dec -  dec -  Recipe: Pumpkin Spice Lemon Meringue Pie  with Delicata squash dec -  Pie with butternut and delicata dec -  dec -  dec -  Recipe: Pumpkin Rum Cake dec -  Fairytale pumpkin syrup and whipped cream dec -  Turkey, Persimmon Pudding dec -  Pumpkin Pie Royale with Cranberry dec -  dec -  dec -  Pumpkin Pie Royale with Cranberries dec -  Turkey Tamale Pie and Squash

Fairytale Pumpkin Pie Royale