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June 2017
June 2017

Pork meatballs with wild rice

Pork meatballs with wild rice

Pork meatballs with wild rice inside. Served with wild rice stew and a dollop of creme fraiche.
 Roast Chicken

Roast Chicken

 Carnitas Pork taco with cheese and cherry tomato

carnitas tacos

Carnitas Pork taco with cheese and cherry tomato
 Szechuan beef with peas.

Szechuan beef

Szechuan beef with peas.
 Lettuce-shell beef tacos.

beef tacos

Lettuce-shell beef tacos.
Cheesy scrambled eggs, asparagus and refried beans.

eggs & beans

Cheesy scrambled eggs, asparagus and refried beans.
Empanada pie.

Empanada pie

Remember me, buy my shirts!
pop art MBZ