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Delicata brownie with strawberries and creme fraiche
Delicata brownie with strawberries and creme fraiche

Delicata brownie with strawberries and creme fraiche.
Making creme fraiche.
We buy various cultured cream types at the store, sometimes it's creme fraiche, sometimes yogurt, or just plain milk kefir. Get it home, get an unopened liter of 18% or 35% cream and put a tablespoon or two of the start culture in a clean jar. Put in your cream, mix it a little, close the jar then let sit in a warm place. We turn on the oven and put a cast iron pan with water in it on the element where the vent is for a few hours, put the jar in the pan of water and it's done overnight.

When you open it it should be set. The idea is it needs warmth but not too much that will shatter the glass. We use a new store-bought culture each time, we did it the other way and it got contaminated.

The quality of the cream shows in the end product. The finest quality organic grassfed 35% cream we used made a cultured cream that tastes like butter cookies and made some cultured butter on the top.

Different types of cultures make slightly different flavours, think sour cream vs yogurt, but all work out great especially with 18% or higher.

The dessert picture is of the lump of cultured butter from the top of the jar.

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