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Home made sour cream and creme fraiche
Home made sour cream and creme fraiche

Made sour cream and creme fraiche from Riviera cultures and Organic Meadow grass-fed organic whippining cream and a bit of the 10%. This brand cream has been amazing from the start - with white butter like light foamy clumps in it that tasted like cookie dough at first bite with the flavour concentrated in these blobs. Used a lot of the whipping cream for desserts - and it's light and delicicous, with no buttery greasy feeling you get from other creams, so it's like drinking milk - the best milk you ever tasted.
Now that we made cultured cream from it, we've noticed it's a creamy yellow colour, not stark white as other brands.
So far there is 1 other brand that we know of that makes organic cream, though Meadows is the only one we've found that's also grass-fed.
We recently bought 4% milk organic microfiltered, and it really is delicious as well.