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Remember me, buy my shirts!
ramsay madelinas

1. melt butter in pan
2. crack 3 eggs in bowl
3. whisk eggs well to double in size
4. sift in flour self raising
5. add lemon zest
6. pour melted butter down te side o the bowl to cool it. mix it in
7. dont beat it, fold it in.
(they say the longer you make the mix in advance the higher they aise in the oven)
8. grease the tins, line with flour
(you can make this the night before and bake inthe mroning)
9. fill up to the top. can pour forma jug
10. oven to 180C/350F, cook 10 minutes

3 Medium Eggs
80g Sugar (Or not)
80g Plain Flour / 8.83 Tablespoons (or 1T coconut flour, 3T Almond flour, 3T flaked coconut) (or 4.5 T Coconut and 4.5T almond flour)
75g Unsalted Butter / 5.29 Tablespoons
1tb Poppy Seeds
Zest of 1/2 lemon