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Fried shrimp with snowpeas Ingredients: snow peas 1 cup 5 large waterchestnuts 1 onion 1 fresh mild pepper Sauce: 2 tbsp pok or chicken stock 1 tsp miso 2 clove garlic finely grated 1 thumb size piece ginger finely grated Half tbsp soy sauce 1 tbsp Chinese wine 1 bunch green onion (6) chopped 3 tbsp tomato sauce 1 half tsp vinegar 1 tsp sesame oil 1 tsp chili oil 3 tbsp water ------ Marinade 1 tsp salt 1 tsp pepper 1 egg white 2 tsp Chinese wine 3 tbsp corn starch Cut 16 large shrimp length ways and let them sit in marinade at least 15 mins. Cut those up saute briefly (wxcept the peas) ib 1 tbsp of oil in a cast iron pan. A$d 1 tbsp cooking wine. When that's gone Set aside on a low heat burner. Put a quarter inch of oil in a wok on high heat until it smokes. Toss in half the shrimp as soob as they're done on one side flip them over. As soob as they're golden brown puy them ob paper towel. Cook the other half of the shrimp. Reserve on plate as well. Dump all the oil out dump in the sauce. As soon as it boils add the vegetables and now add the peas. Cook u til they're hot. Add the shrimp. Cook for no more than 30 seconds and put on the plate. Serve on a plate woth lettuce and cucumber slices.