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beltfish with radish 3 pieces beltfish or half a pound. braising sauce: 2 tbsp soy sauce. 2 tsp fish sauce 2 tsp red chili paste 1 tsp red pepper flakes 1/4 c rice wine 1 tsp grated ginger 1 1/2 tbsp garlic ( 5 cloves) korean radish: called Moo. green top, wite bottom, round, fat wide. cut round 3/4 inch thick. put radish in with 3/4 cup water, 3 tbsp sauce mix, bring to boil, then turn heat fddown and simmer for 10 mins. slices half white onion, 2 green onion, fres green chili, all diagonally. flip radish, place onion on top then belt fish on top. pour sauce on top of fish. medium igh heat bring to boil. 5 mins wihtout lid. nthen add green onions a cd chili, turn heat to medium low cover simmer for 15 mins. while spooning sauce on top . then hard boil uncovered for 3-5 min radish simmering at 6.30. til 6.40. boiling fish with lid onfor 5 mins. 6.46 lid is off for 5 mins. 15 mins from 6.50 the dish turned out mazing. smelled like a real korean restarurant. radish was amazing. grilled zucchini were amazing, like a poato chip flavou from olive oil. dessert: truffles made with coco powder and coconut cream, rolle dinto balls, dusted with espesso powder and milk chocalte powder. they were a bit bitter from coffee powder ont he first night. 2 nights later inthe fridge, the flavour is amazing. mayebt he coffee soaks into the truffle ball. good healthy replacemnt for chocolate truffles. decaf instant coffee powder is amazing for desserts, espeially chocolate. it also makes instant iced coffees which we have everyday. also good for night time coffees.