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October 1
October 1

summerhill mutant fruit market - we got 3 chocolate bars. 1 andean rose. this one is amazing. tasters like roses and so good. cardamom. this oen the flavour isnt so strong. these 2 were $7 each. then we got pumpkin spice for $10. only a 60g bar. 8 pieces of chocolate! one piece si the zeise of a 43 bonbon from nadege. and oh my, the choclate is amazing. the pumpking adds a delicious demision, and the spices are just right so it blends into a great pumpkin chocolate flavour. one fo my faves. too bad its only seasonal.

the other 2 bars were only 50 g bars. so small. i left behind passionfruit one. next tiem we will get a raspberry one,its $10. pretty good selection.

still eyeing the choclate bars at organic garage thoug. stil;l never got ym banana chocolate and matcha chocoalte.

i started the day with a $6.50 grande matcha frappucino, no syrup. it was sweet. it was good. liek ice cream. a bit melted though. good whip cream on top.

then we got grand marnier, a 200 ml bottle for $16. it tastes liek drambuie but with orange. its tassty. ate some whip cream for dssert, with spalsh of marnier and coco powder on it. yum

tmrw we will have baguette french toast with grand marnier int he batter and ham. maybe whipped cream too. pumpkins spice whip cream is the best. so is choclate whip cream.

when we got o rends i will put marier ont eh bread pudding.