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We bought meat for the month. 4 lbs salmon for $30. 3.8 lbs pork for $7. 4.7 lbs chicken leg for $6. Half a dozen pepperoni. 2 bags of shrimp. This month we bought 2 kinds of wheat noodles, which are never did before. And we bought one bag of glutinous rice and half bag of rice. We had first rice in a while a few days ago. We bought 2 lbs of chocolate for $7. Made Chery pecan chocolate bars. They are great. Love pecan. Made crockpot of tomato sauce with free tomatoes, and stockpot of marmalade with organic peels in it, and 3 bags of celmentines. We had already made marmalade with 3 bags of organic clemntines. We didn't steam the fruit this time, just juiced it. We have about 7 old poblanos to make rellenos from.. We made 3 or 4 litres of chicken stock. We made cheese. Got $12 milk at sweet potato, 8-10 litres, half price. Filled stockpot. Made cheese. Got 4 more milks and 2 creams and whip cram half price at HP. Made 2 dishes of butter with the cream. Used my cake ingredients already, most of the date syrup on the salmon, and pecans in the chocolate. They are good.