We went on a shopping frenzy. got TO black tea at winners and 20 tubes of TO matcha for $12. Got Applewood smoked cheddar half off. it was $5 for 180g. we got 4. there's a few left we might get tomrrow. also got cream and made butter. we've already eaten one package of applewood.
We got cherry blossom soap x2 for $5 each, and citrus hand soap 1L $17, both dr bronners from winners. the cheapest place to buy it. the price has skyrocketed at other places being $10 more dollars.
didnt manage to get any chocolate. planning to make thai pumpkin custard tomorrow. also going to make applie pancake soon. and cook a pumpkin for dinner.
a few days ago we shopped at jaggers for 30 bucks. arnica cream was 10. we got panache italian sausage 4 pack, brekkie sausages, avocadoes and blonde chocolate.
pie in at 7.07pm. 15 mins on 450. then down to 250. for an hour.