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August - Garden
August - Garden


August 4
Killed Vine Borers again today. The last time we killed them was July 29. Since then they have appeared for the first time on our Pink Banana with the largest fruit, in the orange pot in two joints of the stem where a leaf was cut off. It appears the same place on our Pink Banana in the front corner of the garden, which has been losing leaves for weeks. It also had a second location infested, this time near the base of the plant. Used a thin steak knife to cut the stem, and ended up shredding the stem trying to kill all the Borers. It's hanging by a piece maybe 1/3 of the original size. Covered the wound with dirt and will fertilize and add magnesium to all squash plants, especially those recovering from surgery today. Should note the Borers are much smaller in size this time around, we must have got them while they were younger than last time.

We found the tell-tale orange sawdust on one Pink Banana plant, making it easy to find them.

Our Pink Banana by the front of the garden did not have any sign of orange sawdust. It did have stressed-looking stems. If it's nt perfect and green, cut it. If there is any white or brown woody "stretch-marks", cut it. Again, the infested areas appeared to be close to pruned leaf stems, giving the bug an opening.

Put Sulphur dust in water with dishsoap on our tomatoes and kale today, then sprinkled some more sulphur dust on them. Mites are on those plants, they should be dead soon.

Delicata at the front has some mildew still, thinking of cutting it back 30% like was recommended. It's oldest fruit has turned from green to yellow and the flower hasnt opened yet. Two more fruits are just starting to grow on the vine. Killed a big infestation of Borers at the base of the stem. No wonder it's starting to die.

The Pink Banana by the house appears healthy and the first fruit has just closed it's flower today which was barely open yesterday. This plant also is growing a second female flower, though it's still very small.


August 5
Planted 3 delicata seeds today. Starting our late crop now. Frost is estimated for November 1-10, so we have nearly 90 days to grow.


August 7
Planted more seeds to our 2nd crop of squash today: One blue pot of Turban, One blue pot of Casper. The one with the white stone has the delicatas in it.
Moved the vines of all squash plants; rotated/coiled them into the pot to get more roots growing along the stem.


August 8
Squash plant in yellow pot has female flower growing, the fruit is round indicating it must be a Casper pumpkin.


August 9
Planted 3 seeds of White Swan acorn squash into a blue pot.


Turmeric plant


August 23
Cut out a Vine Borer yesterday from our Pink Banana that's winding around the column. Put another pot for it too root, so now there's two pots of dirt closer to the end of the vine and the first pot has some roots established already. Bottom half of the plant has yellow almost white leaves, looking dry and with mildew. The top half is thriving and green with some fruit growing. The other Pink Banana has a female flower about to open.
The Casper pumpkin is growing well and is about 3 inches big now. We put dirt around the growing tip and fruit to help make more roots. The leaves close to the base are yellowing and looking dry. Suspect SVB, but when inspected could not find any frass of stem damage.