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Our garden plot


75 days

Try to plant in a location that enjoys full sun and remember to water moderately. Keep in mind when planting that Ancho Mulato is thought of as tender, so it is really important to plant out well after your last frost date. The USDA Hardiness Zones typically associated with Ancho Mulato are Zone 5 and Zone 12. Planting Ancho Mulato in loamy and sandy soil with a ph of between 7.0 and 8.5 is ideal for as it does best in neutral soil to weakly alkaline soil.

75 days.Plants reach 2 feet or so and require a long season.

Texas: These plants have grown quickly and tower at 4' in late July. They've given me about 50 peppers from three plants thus far
VA: low producer, slow to ripen. Review: These are tricky to germinate, and require a heating mat. They're worth the trouble though! Unless you have a massive container, I don't recommend them as container plants, though. Ours may have produced better if we could have planted it directly in the ground.
Texas: I get hundreds of peppers off my two bushes. They grow very large and tall here in Texas. I have to support them in the largest tomato cage I can find, and tie the cage upright because it just takes it over and is so heavy with fruit that the entire plant and cage tip over.


100 days. Will do okay planted late.

Delicata squash plants have a short growing season and are mature within 80-100 days. They can be either direct sown or sown indoors for later transplant. The plants will attain a height of 10-12 inches with a 24- to 28-inch spread. When growing Delicata squash, choose a sight that will receive full sun. The Cornell Bush Delicata requires only 4 square feet of garden space, but if growing vining Delicata squash, allow at least 20 square feet of space.
Dig a 3-inch layer of compost into the soil. With this amended soil, create a flat topped, one square foot round mound. Once daytime temps are routinely above 70 F. (21 C) for successive five to seven days, it is time to plant your Delicata winter squash.
To suppress weed growth and maintain moisture levels, spread 2 inches of mulch in a 2-foot circle around the Delicata plants. When the plants reach 6-8 inches tall, spread a layer of aged manure or rich compost 1 inch deep by 4 inches wide around the plants and then again when the first buds are plumping up, just before they bloom.


90 days.

Sweet Dumpling: Some plants only produce male. These squash don't take up much garden space as the vines climb our fence.
You need to start them indoors in small pots Rita.
Being a farmer stuck in the city, I turned to raised beds and vertical gardening in 2011. This squash is perfect for this type of gardening. I planted a 12' row of Sweet Dumpling and grew them up 5' of small gauge rope netting behind my tomatoes. I picked 24 squash from the 6-8 vines that made it to maturity and could've had 6-10 more except I lost some during the training of the vigorous jungle grade vines. The fruit was the best tasting squash I've ever had and they were great keepers. I still have one in storage that my wife and I will fight over when it's made. My yard was on a landscaping showcase tour and those crazy squash vines tumbling over the trellis drew more attention than anything else.
I planted this squash on a trellis in my front yard. One side was attacked by vine borers and the other side is doing great! I'd have to say, off that one vine, I have about 8 squash almost ready to harvest.
The vines did quite well the last two summers which were cold and wet here in Eastern Ontario. I planted the vines in an old manure/hay pile. Low labour and good yields!


120 days. Plant Early

Don't wait till late June to seed them, or they will never mature! For giant size pumpkins you can start seed indoors in 3 in./8 cm. peat pots about May 1st. Plant 2 seeds per pot 1/2 in./ 13 mm. deep, cover seed with fine soil and firm. Maintain a soil temp. of 65 - 70°F/20°C. After seeds have sprouted, feed pots once lightly, with a soluble fertilizer. Grow @ 60°F/16°C for sturdy growth.
Transplant in a sunny spot in 5 ft./ 2 m. rows, staggered 8 ft/2.4 m apart, in every other row. Each plant requires 15 - 20 ft/ 5 - 6 m in diameter. Dust plants regularly, every week to prevent cucumber beetles. Water plants at first sign of wilt throughout the summer - but don't wet -the leaves, it encourages disease. When small pumpkins are 2 in./5 cm in diameter, remove all the fruits at the ends of the vines, leaving the best 3 pumpkins at the center of the plant. For show size fruit (to be used at county fairs), limit fruit to one central pumpkin per plant. Remove all blooms or flowers from each plant from this point on to prevent further pollination.
Feed regularly (once every 15 days) with a weak solution of 5 - 20 - 20 fertilizer.
Pick pumpkins after they are bright orange and the skin is hard. If it doesn't freeze hard or rain for long periods leave them on the vine till Halloween. Harvest before severe frost, keep cool @ 55 - 60°F/13 - 16°C. Leave a bit of stem on each fruit, when it is cut from the vine.


80 - 110 days

Seeds should be planted on hills 6 feet apart, so the guidebooks say. We do things differently around here because we have sandy soil. Hills are for clay soil. Depressions are for sandy soil. We also don’t space our squash that far apart. We grow 3 different types (a pepo, a maxima and a moschata so they don’t cross pollinate) in the same 4×4′ bed, spaced apart on the points of a triangle. Works like a charm every year. Plant seeds 1″ deep in well-amended soil. We added worm castings and compost, and feed monthly with compost tea.


A pepper variety that has just the right heat for a variety of dishes the Serrano pepper is a versatile paper variety to grow in your garden. so we'll be growing our serrano pepper in this 16 inch wide container that holds about five gallons of soil the soil mix that I'm using to plant this pepper variety is about 50% compost mixed with 50% potting mix.

so the serrano pepper originated in Mexico and the heat rating of serrano pepper is slightly more spicy than a mild jalapeno. it's a quite a versatile pepper that you can use for a variety of dishes and as you can see the plant has grown very well its a very healthy pepper plant and it's already showing a lot of peppers that can be harvested and as you can see this pepper plant is very easy to grow in containers and is one of the most healthy pepper plants I have grown now some gardeners believe in pruning their pepper plants so that it grows more bushy now in my experience peppers are naturally bushy and even if you don't prune them never they will grow into nice bushy plant.

you will love the serrano pepper it's very easy to grow produces you can see the peppers being harvested they very healthy and the plant will keep producing peppers the more you harvest the more peppers the plant will produce as you can see here this plant is loaded with peppers. The key to growing great pepper plants is to make sure that the plan gets a lot of nutrients by using a rich compost or organic matter based potting mix and this was grown with about 50 percent organic matter and that provided the plant with a lot of nutrients that it would absorb and grow into this wonderful pepper plant. Now another thing that you need to remember is that do not use high nitrogen fertilizers, especially when the pepper plant is established. That will reduce the number of peppers that the plant produces. You can use a tomato fertilizer that works great for peppers and about every three weeks you need to bathe your pepper plants with an Epsom salt solution which works wonders for the pepper plant.
Container growing video

General WINTER STORAGE SQUASH - for fresh market & processing
Seed size varies according to type, see below.
CULTURE: Sow all types of winter squash, outdoors June 1st. when the soil temp. has reached 60-65°F/16-18°C temps. during the day. Earlier sowings in cooler ground, should be treated to prevent seed rot. Seed size varies: Large seeded types like hubbards require 3-4 lbs/1.5-2 kg per acre. Small seeded varieties like butternut require 1.5-2 lbs/0.8 kg per acre.
SPACING: Large vine types, should be planted in rows 9 - 10 ft/2.7 - 3 m apart. Small and bush types require rows 6 - 8 ft./2 - 2.4 m apart. Space plants 4 ft/122 cm apart in the rows for both types. Sow @ 4 - 5 seeds per ft./31 cm or in hills or groups of seed @ 6 seeds per hill, 4 ft/122 cm apart. Sow seed 1/2 in./ 13 mm deep, cover and firm.

Keep plants well cultivated, fairly shallow as long as possible without injuring the vines.

Disc into the top soil @ 600 lbs/272 kg of 6-24-24 per acre before seeding in early May.

Winter squash should be allowed to ripen thoroughly in the field. Winter squash must be picked before your first frost and cured for 10 days or 2 weeks before storing. Curing hardens the outer skin, reduces high water content and improves eating quality.

Pile fruit in the field for 2 weeks during dry weather, before frosts - or keep fruit inside at room temp. of 80°F/27°C and 80% relative humidity for 4 weeks.

Squash require a warm dry condition for storage. Handle fruit carefully to prevent bruising, leave a small space between fruit in single layers. Maintain a temp. of 60°F/16°C degrees and relative humidity of 70%

: Cut into chunks, peel, cook until soft in a little water. Mash, cool, pack and quick freeze.