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Mustard Red Streaked
Mustard Red Streaked

Brassica juncea
Deep lobed, purple leaves with green stems are an exciting new addition to our mustard greens. Lovely addition to a salad mix or alone cooked or raw. Great for the market grower and the back-yard gardener wishing to add something new to the table.20-45 days. 425 seeds. Red-Streaked Mizuna Mustard Brassica rapa (Japonica) Duration: Annual When to Sow: Spring Ease of Germination: Easy (Japanese mustard) The deeply frilled foliage has beautiful red streaks set against a green background. The visual effect is like an abstract expressionist painting, mesmerizing if you let yourself get drawn into the detail. Imagine tossing these tasty peppery leaves into your next salad.

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