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Black Radish
Black Radish

Round Black Spanish Radish
(Noir Gros Rond D’hiver) Large 5” winter type, probably grown since the 16th century or before. Deep, near-black skin and snowy-white flesh; will keep all winter in good conditions. Fine, fairly hot flavor; good raw or cooked.
What are the pros? None
What are the cons? Went to seed
Review: Thought I would try them again this year. Same as last year, went to seed. Waste of time and resources. Never again.
What are the pros? Good production. Flavorful
What are the cons? None
Review: I really like these. Easy to grow. Large size. Spicy. Keep for a long time in the fridge.
What are the pros? Nice taste, fairly easy
What are the cons? Lots of foliage.
Review: Grew easily, can get big in potting soil, still do alright in thick clay. About 75% germination or higher. Maybe a month to grow. Nice flavor, hot enough for me but ok for my wife who loathes spicy food. Foliage is large for tennis ball sized radish, but not too large I suppose.
Review: My husbands father used to bring back radish seeds from Austria. They looked like the Black Spanish so we tried some. They were great!!! You slice them part way, sprinkle with salt and let stand to drain any bitterness. Then put slices on dark rye bread and eat with a good German beer. Yum!!
Nero Tondo Radish Seed
Special Black Spanish type.
This elite strain is much more uniform and resistant to bolting than the ordinary Black Spanish variety. Large 2–4" (depending on harvest date) black-skinned, round roots with crisp, hot, white flesh. Suitable for sowing midspring (soil temp. 60°F/15°C or higher to prevent bolting) through fall. Thin to 4" apart. Medium-long storage. Avg. 50,300 seeds/lb. Packet: 250 seeds.
LATIN NAME Raphanus sativus
HYBRID STATUS Open Pollinated
CULTURE: Radishes require friable, well-drained soils with a pH range of 5.8–6.8. Sow at any time during the season, beginning in early spring. Use 2–3" wide bands, seeds about 3/4–1" apart (about 35 seeds/ft. except 10 seeds/ft. for 624 Red Meat and 616 Nero Tondo), 1/2" deep, rows 1' apart, or any row or bedding scheme that will eliminate unplanted ground to discourage weeds. Radishes are adversely affected by hot, dry weather. They remain in prime condition only a few days and should be grown rapidly with plenty of moisture to be mild, tender, and attractive. If growth is checked, roots may become tough, pithy, and too spicy.
INSECT PESTS: Use floating row covers at time of planting to control flea beetles and cabbage root maggots.
HARVEST AND STORAGE: Harvest promptly to avoid pithiness, beginning at about 3-4 weeks when roots are the size of a large marble. Bunch or top, hydrocool, and refrigerate. Topped radishes will keep 3–4 weeks in good, crisp condition if kept at 32°F (0°C), 95% relative humidity, and in breathable packaging. See product descriptions for longer storage of specialty types.
SIZED SEEDS: Round red varieties only.
PACKET: 250 seeds, sows 7'.
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