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Growing Potatoes From Potatoes. ... However, if you have some potatoes that are beginning to sprout (the "eyes" have swollen, whitish shoots beginning to develop), simply plant a piece of the sprouting potato in the ground or in a roomy pot covered with 3 inches of soil. Within 2 weeks, green shoots should emerge. What You Need to Know About Growing Potatoes

Potatoes always do best in full sun. They are aggressively rooting plants, and we find that they will produce the best crop when planted in a light, loose, well-drained soil. Potatoes prefer a slightly acid soil with a PH of 5.0 to 7.0. Fortunately potatoes are very adaptable and will almost always produce a respectable crop, even when the soil conditions and growing seasons are less than perfect.

Cutting Potatoes Before Planting

A week or two before your planting date, set your seed potatoes in an area where they will be exposed to light and temperatures between 60-70 degrees F. This will begin the sprouting process. A day or two before planting, use a sharp, clean knife to slice the larger seed potatoes into smaller pieces. Each piece should be approximately 2 inches square, and must contain at least 1 or 2 eyes or buds. Plant smaller potatoes whole. A good rule of thumb is to plant potatoes whole if they are smaller in size than a golf ball. In a day or so your seed will form a thick callous over the cuts, which will help prevent rotting.

We find that potatoes are best grown in rows. To begin with, dig a trench that is 6-8 inches deep. Plant each piece of potato (cut side down, with the eyes pointing up) every 12-15 inches, with the rows spaced 3 feet apart. seedsavers

Potato seed is what gardeners call small pieces of cut-up whole potato tubers, each with a growing bud that will form a new potato plant.

Before planting, cut whole seed potatoes into pieces a little larger than a large egg, each with one or two “eye” buds on them. If possible, spread them out to dry indoors for a day or two to let the cut areas heal over to prevent rotting in cold, wet soils. diynetwork

What to do with Long potato eyes Sprouts Tops seed potatoes

Plant your seed potatoes 10cm deep, once they have a few sprouted “eyes”. beantheredugthat
Potatoes adapt to more alkaline soils – after all, they’re one of the main crops grown in southern Idaho, which is known for its alkaline soil – but they prefer a soil pH between 4.8 and 5.5. Plant them in early spring from certified disease-free seed potatoes.
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How to grow potatoes in shopping bags for an extended harvest.
Use plastic bags to help harvest during the season - early harvest.
Grow Potatoes in Containers
Growing Potato
potato varieties for mashing, roasting, and chipping