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Companion Flowers
Companion Flowers



Anise, plant with basil. Anise will cause the essential oil production of basil to increase.
Anise- avoid basil, carrots or rue near anise if growing for healthy anise.
Anise will disguise the scent of brassica plants (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, etc.) and keep away the aphids. It does well near coriander (cilantro), but not dill.



Anise, plant with basil. Anise will cause the essential oil production of basil to increase.
-If you grow herbs like basil, cut the top third of the plant off every time it tries to bloom. This will encourage the plant to keep putting on more foliage which you can dry and use in the kitchen.


Was not likely to plant this year, but got as a gift in May.
BORAGE Borago officinalis
Edible, star-shaped blue flowers bloom throughout the summer. Contains calcium and potassium, tolerates poor soil and attracts pollinators. Full sun to partial shade. SA. H. $3.50/50 seeds


regenerative, flavour

Chamomile + Cabbage Chamomile brings in the beneficial insects for brassicas such as cabbage. In the fall, chop it up and toss on the bed to decompose, while leaving the roots intact to decay and enrich the soil, suggests Stross.-countryliving



The chrysanthemum bloom season ranges from late summer into early winter depending upon your zone. Plant near: Strawberries



protective, flavour

Dill- plant with cabbages, onions, lettuce and cucumber. Avoid tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, chili and bell peppers, as they are all poor companions for dill.



Always plant marigolds in your garden, especially near tomatoes and cabbage, because the marigolds will keep garden pests away. Also called Calendula.
Marigolds and nasturtium repel numerous squash pest insects;
stimulates vegetable growth and deters bean beetles, aphids, potato bugs, squash bugs, nematodes, and maggots.
Marigolds (dug into crop soil) deter nematodes.
marigolds repel cabbage moths.
These flowers exude a sticky substance on their stems that attract aphids and traps them there, says Stross. She finds that planting it next to her brassica crops, specifically broccoli, keeps the aphids off the broccoli. Plus, it brings in beneficial ladybugs to dine on the aphids.
Plant near: Beans, all garden crops, Broccoli, Kale









Phacelia — An essential element in any organic gardener's toolkit, this multi-purpose annual flower is fast to mature, and amazingly attractive to a host of pollinators and beneficial insects. Notably, it attracts bees and predatory hoverflies to improve pollination and combat pest insects. Plant Phacelia around any crop showing poor pollination, particularly squash (including zucchini and pumpkin), melons, and cucumbers.

Have already:
GARDEN SAGE Salvia officinalis
One of the most important herbs in the herb garden.
Prefers well-drained soil. Full sun, zone 5 - 9, drought tolerant.

Thymus vulgaris.
This thyme is native to the western Mediterranean area, and now widely cultivated throughout temperate zones. It is a good companion plant for eggplant, potatoes, and tomatoes. Repels cabbage worms.

YARROW Achillea millefolium
One of the ‘must haves’ in any garden. Builds the immune system of plants growing around it.
Great for the bronchial system. Tea and medicinal plant. Attracts pollinators. Makes a great herbal ground cover if mown regularly.
Fun Optional:
Origanum majorana
Marjoram is native to North Africa and Southeast Asia and has become naturalized in the Mediterranean region. The Greeks called this plant “joy of the mountain”. Precious to Aphrodite, goddess of love.
It is an essential soup herb. Great with chicken and fish but adds a richness to vegetarian dishes too. For culinary use it is best used just before flowering but it is very ornamental if allowed to flower and the flowers dry very well.

Wear your gloves to pick this herb. Important spring tonic, once cooked or dried it loses its sting. Soak the plant in water and cover outside for several days to make a powerful compost tea for your garden. The plant supports the whole body and adds nutrients to the soil. High in chlorophyll,
Vitamins A and C and potassium. Tomatoes love nettle tea. One of our top ten herbs as a must for your garden. SA. H. $3.50/100 seeds

Rumez acetosa
Perennial, native to Eurasia. Long broad green leaves used for soups and salads Very popular in French cooking. Easy to grow and very hardy.

Nigella sativa
Native to the Middle East. The blue and white flowers dance amongst a cloud of ferny, green leaves. Edible seeds are eaten as a tasty, perfumed condiment in rice dishes and confections. Medicinally, nigella is used for treating indigestion, appetite loss, parasites, water retention and fever. Full Sun.