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DILL, MAMMOTH Anethum graveolens
This dill is a tall, sweet smelling plant. All parts of the plant are used. Leaves and both young and mature seeds. The flower heads put the dill in your dill pickles. Good companion plant to cabbages, onions, lettuce and tomatoes.

Companion planting dill will help help asparagus, the Brassicas (broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and kohlrabi), chervil, corn, cucumber, lettuce and onion. Conversely, planting beans near dill will be beneficial to the growth of your dill plants. One source identified lettuce as the best dill companion plant.

One source identified lettuce as the best dill companion plant. Companion planting dill with Growing angelica, cabbage, caraway, carrots, chili and bell peppers, eggplant, fennel, lavender or potatoes is not recommended as they are all poor companions for dill.

Obtaining the benefits of companion planting dill with tomatoes requires a bit of vigilance. The growth and health of tomatoes will improve from being planted near young dill. However, once the dill matures it will stunt the growth of your tomatoes and should be moved. Dill also attracts tomato horn worms which will make it easier for the pests to find your tomato plants if the dill plants are left to mature.

Dill attracts a number of beneficial insects to your garden. Those insects include honeybees, hoverflies, Ichneumonid wasps and other wasps. Swallowtail butterfly caterpillars particularly enjoy dill.

Dill plants are said to be an effective natural insect repellent against aphids, cabbage looper, spider mites and squash bugs.

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