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Gold Yarrow
Gold Yarrow

Achillea filipendulina (Asteraceae) An upright, drought tolerant, perennial, native to Europe but has naturalized throughout North America. The finely dissected leaves resemble those of a fern and are easily identified in the seedling stage. The small mustard yellow flowers are tightly compact forming a disc shaped head usually affixed to a single stem. Prefers light, rich soils in full sun. Suggested Use: Slopes, hillsides, mixtures, borders. Miscellaneous: An attractive variety for floral arrangements with a vase life of 10 to 14 days. Cut when half the flowers are fully open. Average Planting Success: 50% Height: 2 - 4 feet Germination: 30 - 90 days Optimum Soil Temp. for Germination: 60°F - ­65°F Sowing Depth: Surface Sow Blooming Period: May - November Average Seeds Per Pound: 2,790,000 Seeds/Pkt: 2,450 - 40 sq.ft. 1 oz Covers: 5,445 sq.ft. Seeding Rate: 1/2 lb. per acre wildseedfarms
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