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Succession and Intervals
Succession and Intervals

Plant once: tomatillo(6 to 8 weeks before last frost date), peppers(poblanos 8 to 12 weeks before the last average frost date), strawberry (early Feb).

Bell peppers: Start seeds indoors 8-10 weeks before last frost.

Late Feb: tomatoes plant: 4-8 weeks prior to last frost indoors, transplant 2 weeks after last frost.

Squash: futsu( 100 days), musquee de Provence(120 days), honeynut (85 days).

Mid-March: Start 2nd wave of peppers, strawberry, tomatillo if none sprouted yet.
Herbs: Basil (6 weeks before last frost)

Late March: Begin planting at multiple intervals kohlrabi, broccoli, peas, greens(lettuce, radish, beet).
Plant Marigolds once, then every few weeks thin them and spread to other areas of garden.
Morning Glory.
Late May: Second planting of squash crops

Tomatoes should not go into the ground until the night temperature is above 50 degrees - 10 Celsius. - neverthyme (Or 4th week of May).
Last Frost: Toronto May 11-20
Historical last frost: April 4, 5: theweathernetwork
crop rotation