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There are 3 yellow Cayenne peppers growing, all still green. There is one poblano now an inch long and a dozen flowers on the same plant. 4 tomato plants have fruit growing: 2 Grape Tigrella, 1 yellow tomato, 1 #3 sm red multi, which looks a lot like the black plum, judging by other's pictures.


The first Honeynut is out by the tree. The female flower opened today. The Yellow Cayennes are growing well and there is 4 peppers. There are two baby Poblano peppers growing Another tomato plant has fruit growing.




Tomatillo has 2 1-inch husks growing for two days now.

Our big Poblano is 5 inches, and 5 more baby fruits are growing. Another Poblano plant is flowering now. Lots of Cayennes still green are everywhere, and one pepper which is rounder.

We think we have spider mite problems, instead of blight. Not getting the lesions of blight. Also want to add fertilizer to increase flowers.

"once you get to flowering you want one high in phosphorus and potassium."






Futsu has a female flower opened today. Pollinated it with a male Honeynut flower at around 2pm because did not see any open male flowers on the Futsu. The futsus are making many male flowers now, but they are all small and green, not opening today. The futsus have powdery mildew and leaves turning yellow on one side of the plant.


Today we ate ripe tomatoes for the second time: 2 grape tigrellas, 1 black plum (3 red multi) and 1 yellow cherry. We covered our futsu fruit with black pantyhose last night.

Each tomato plant has at most a dozen tomatoes, and they're all small. Most of the plants are badly affected by spider mites as well. Looking back to last year, we had grown 5 Purple Cherokee tomatoes off one plant, planted in the dirt. The pattern here is that tomatoes do not do well in our yard. We suspect too much shade, as well as the mites.

Squash is not a great success, with only 1 honeynut squash in the good dirt, and 1 futsu so far. We went to Sweet Potato today and they had honeynuts for $1.69/lb so we think it's better to buy them.

We think the Tomatillos are more productive and will grow much more next year, though right now the fruit is an inch big and there's a dozen this size. Expecting more in a few weeks.

The peppers also do well and we have poblanos on our 2nd plant. The Poblanos are very impressive.

Next year plan: Tomatillos in side bed, berries by rock wall, Callas beside berries, peppers where tomatoes are now, and lots of strawberries. Also want to focus on growing sweet potato and purple yam.