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December: Year End Review

Most successful crops: Jalapenos, Poblanos, basil , cayenne
Moderate success: mini bell peppers, habneros, tomatillo

Least successful: Tomatoes, bell peppers, squash
Toms that did best were black plum (our strain) and green zebra.

Next year:
Less tomato plants
more pepper plants - less cayenne and more jalapeno/serrano, Cayenne was too hot to use.
Plant more tomatillos, poblanos, jalapenos, serrrano
Toms: Tom thumb, cherry tigrella, black plums
Mesclun mix in hanging planter

Anticipating: More raspberries, more strawberries, kiwiberry

We saved 1 jalapneo plant and 1 habanero plant from frost and brought themindoors. The habanero is now growing new leaves. The jalapeno has 1 veyr large red fruit on it.

In 2019, we planted tomatoes in early March and Tomatillos then, too. Next year, plant more tomatoes at the same time, and plant tomatillos earlier.

In late March our poblano sprouted. Trying to do this earilier next time.

Tomatoes went from seed to 4 leaf plants in 20 days.
Toms ready for May 1, means planting March 1.