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Poblano plant fromt he store has two peppers growing on it now as of 2 days ago.
At least 2 tomatoes have flowers, grape tigrella and yellow. Our biggest poblano is nearly 3/4 of the size of the poblano from the store now.


Lilies started blooming 2 days ago and yesterday half of them opened. A few more today. Lots of flowers on two tomato plants. Our poblano plant is nearly as big as the store bought one after being planted for 2 weeks now. Potted the last Poblano from the store.

The first golden raspberry is almost ready for picking. 4 more on the cluster are green.


Asian lillies are fading now. We have hot pink Callas and purple and orange.
Picked our first Golden Raspberry a few days ago. It was delicious.
Planted 3 Poblanos in the large long pot yesterday, planted Green Sausage in the white bucket, and a multicolor tomato.
We have left to plant: Aurega, MWC, #3 sm multi.
We have one large pot left. Planning to plant 6 Poblanos in it.




Our first poblano pepper.


Tomatoes have spider mites. Going to dose plants with selenium and garlic.
At 8pm we filled a blender with 2 heads of garlic, 1 shallots, 12 selenium pills (200mcg) and a handful of garden sulphur. Filled 3 containers about 1/4 of this solution, and filled them with water. Watered this mixture on all tomatoes. We have about 16 tomato plants going.
Today planted the 8 leftover tomato plants in a small clay pot. They got the selenium mixture too.